Friday, April 15, 2005

Castles in the Sky

We were at Becky's house tonight, and after some Chinese take-out, she and Caro retired to the back porch for some no boys allowed talk. Plus, Becky's (adorable) little infant girl was fussing endlessly, and her frustration level was getting obviously pushed. I volunteered to do a little babysitting. So there I am, Mr. How-hard-can-it-be-to-make-a-baby-stop-crying, and even my wiliest of charms just aren't working. She didn't want her bottle. She didn't want to be cradled or held up against my chest. She didn't want her pacifier. Even singing her The Doors' "Crystal Ship" didn't work, so I pulled out the secret weapon of sleep inducement. I sang her the song I wrote. Knocked her clean out like a lightbulb. How's that for some brutally honest criticism? :-)


In Dayton, the old Dayton Power & Light powerplant is (was) this grand old structure that has been abandoned for years. Styled after a castle, it was complete with arrow loops on the roof and gothic arched windows. It was truly a sight to behold, and for years I meant to get some pictures of it. But there was always tomorrow. Always next week. Always later to get it done. Well, they started knocking the building down last week, so at least I had the time to take some portraits of the portions left standing... girders sticking out every which way, windows smashed out. I'll never have a picture of my own documenting the imposing structure I had admired for so many years. There isn't any more next week, or even a tomorrow for me to make up for my inaction.

A bit of a metaphor for life, isn't it? Sometimes, for those who wait, good things pass right on by.


Blogger Orbling said...

[LOL @ Citrus's statement - never a truer word spoken. ;)]

Just redeclare your song as a lullaby and you're on to a best seller. ;)

I have a personal hatred of old buildings with a lot of character being destroyed, it happens all the time here, so upsetting. The house directly opposite mine, on the otherside of the block is roughly joint oldest left in the town with my own house and I was awoken this morning to the sound of men breaking it down, smashing, cutting, gutting - it hurts me. Many a day I spent in that old building (it is dying roughly on it's 129th birthday) as I knew it's previous occupants well when I was little.

Wish the developers would just sod off and leave the little heritage we have left alone.

8:57 PM  

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