Saturday, April 09, 2005

Sooner or Later

You know, lately I've been thinking quite a bit about why I take photos of myself. Is it really a vanity thing? Does this tie into my penchant for books by photographers who take portraits of celebrities? Maybe. But also, I equally was entranced by the book, Naked New York. I would so love to have posed for that... one portrait of my public clothed self, and one of my private nude self. Nothing sexy or erotic. Just plain people stripped of their armor, some looking vulnerable, some insecure, and some standing proud and strong.

I realized something. What I get from these pictures, be them celebs, nude New Yorkers, or even random acts of senseless living (as in the
Found Photos website, of which I am so enamoured), is nothing short of pure love. Pure joy. Pure wide-eyed innocent wonder. And what I want, more than anything, is to pass on that raw emotion to others, even if only one other person out there can grasp what it is I am trying so awkwardly to say. If I can inspire in somebody who looks at any of the photos I've posted even just a hint of the child-like wonder I feel when looking at others' photos, then...I don't know what then. It would just mean the world to me.

Returning to the topic of self-portraiture, it's not that I'm using it as peacock feathers. The point is not to say "Look at Andy! Pay attention to Andy!", but rather, "Appreciate this random face, for the person (and spirit) behind it admires others, and rest assured he admires and loves you." I want people to be comforted by it, as I am by other peoples' portraits. Does that make any sense?

I know what I'm trying to say, it's just coming out all weird. I'll get it right sooner or later.


Blogger Orbling said...

It makes sense, some photos do inspire a certain amount of awe and wonder.

Personally, I don't get a lot from looking at people - I'm terribly disassociated from the physical part of people, I could care less if people were brains in jars. In fact, it's quite possible I wouldn't notice for a fair while. LOL

Honestly, for people I really like, I can't usually remember (at least to describe) what they look like - I take that as a good sign for those I'm close to.

Naked New York, oh God, he did a Naked London too... I'd not have the nerve. ;)

8:06 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Paraphrase or not, that is nothing short of poetry.

8:35 AM  

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