Friday, December 16, 2005

Somebody hand me the first aid ointment, because the UPS Store just ASS RAPED me on shipping.

It was worth it, though. :-)


I was out behind the store assembling snowthrowers yesterday. It started snowing the night befpre and kept up until late last afternoon. The temperature was just above freezing, and the air was heavy, humid, and absolutely still. The flakes fell straight down in large damp clusters. We had just gotten in a shipment of six Troy-Bilts off the delivery truck, and already the customers were standing around waiting for me to finish assembling and inspecting them. The air was so dense that although I was trudging through slush, and the snow collected in a beadwork of melted droplets in my hair, I unzipped my coat while steam rose off my gloves.

Taking a breather to cool off a bit from hammering my crowbar to wedge the wooden shipping crates apart, I stood perfectly still and listened as the heavy flake clumps hit the ground in a whisper-soft yet discernably audible pitter patter. I can't recall if I've ever listened to it snow before, but it's absolutely haunting, yet calm and inviting at the same time... beckoning me to recline in a drift and let the snow immerse me. Just lay back and fall asleep in the snow.

I closed my eyes and listened for a while, until an echoing forklift horn inside broke my reverie. I almost had to force myself to shatter the silence with the sharp strikes of my hammer to crowbar, and the painful moan of nails being ripped from the wood. I gave a silent apology for my obnoxious interruption, and a thank you for the moment.

Not sure to whom... just thanks.


A guy at work invited me yesterday to a Christmas party he and his wife were throwing tonight. Problem: he didn't tell me where he lives... I just know he lives in Pleasant Hill. Goof ball. Driving home, I passed the Hobart Arena, and read where the sign said "Public Skating Fri Sat 8pm". You know what? I haven't been ice skating in years. God, that sounds fun, I'm going to go! What a perfect prelude to going and getting a few glasses of beer somewhere afterwards.

This is shaping up to be a perfectly pleasant evening. :-)


Blogger Nan said...

Hey the ass raped me too and my poor Gramma. Those fuckers!

12:55 AM  
Blogger Nan said...

BTW, what's a snow thrower? Is that the same as what we Canadians call a snow blower?

12:57 AM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

Yeah, Nan, I think that would be a snow blower, which I think sounds a lot more fun.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Technically, they're snow 'throwers' instead of blowers. A leaf blower uses a fan forced air to achieve its effect, while a snow thrower uses an impeller to mechanically fling the snow through the chute.

I think I'm the only person on this planet who say "thrower" though.

And, yes, "blower" sounds much more fun. ;-)

1:19 AM  

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