Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Had a great weekend. I should be asleep now, but I had to get a little online time in. Anyway, Saturday I photographed Caro and Scott's wedding, and gave my monolight flash a real run for its money. Here are a few of the pictures:

Honestly, there are few ceremonies more beautiful than a handfasting. What a great way to symbolize a union.


Remember the girl I had coffee with a few weekends ago? You know, the one I met because she used to work at the WalMart photo desk, and couldn't think of a suitable nickname for here on the blog? I've decided to call her J Girl. Anyway, we met up again sunday to go shoot some photos, which I've posted immediately after this. She's got one helluva setup herself, with a million and one filters for her lens. Good stuff. Had a great time walking around and taking photos. Upon getting a little rumbly in the tummy, I suggested we get something to eat, so we went to Taco Bell. There, we got to talking about internet videos of people doing Jackass-like stunts and getting hurt. Turns out she's a big fan of Jackass, and suggested we go see Jackass 2.

Let me tell you, that movie is possible the most blatant endorsement of latent homosexuality I've ever seen. I love it! It's nothing but guys pulling their pants down, running around naked, jumping on each other, and shoving things up their asses. And all the high school guys in the audience laughed like crazy... they were totally digging it. Somehow, if it's Bam that's shoving a dildo you-know-where, then it's ok. He does have a cute butt.


I heard a political candidate on the radio tonight saying something about being against artificial birth control methods because they allow people to do whatever they want without having to face responsibility.

Funny, but I thought that being able to fuck whomever you want is part of that tiny little insignificant thing called 'American Liberty'. Say it along with me kiddies: "Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice."

Am I the only one seriously disturbed by the fact that there are Americans who think the Taliban wouldn't have been such a bad thing if only their church was running it? Who are these people?? In doing a little googling, the Vatican condemns artificial birth control, but the majority of American Catholics are for it. The Southern Baptists are tacitly ok with it. Even the goddamned Christian Coalition only seems to be against the morning after pill (don't get me started on that).

Really, I guess it's only a small pocket of weirdos with no actual political clout to speak of. I'm just getting tired and a little cranky. Good night, and enjoy the photos below. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Andy Pants.

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the rst of the pics? Give me a call, I miss you!!!

2:04 PM  

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