This morning I took the bit of flourite I was given yesterday to work with me. On my morning break, I went over to Electrical and asked for a bit of scrap 14-gague solid copper wire. With my pliers, I twisted the wire around the flourite with a little loop at the top and made a pendant to put on my frog necklace I got in New Orleans at the Bywater Art Market.
Monday, May 09, 2005
This morning I took the bit of flourite I was given yesterday to work with me. On my morning break, I went over to Electrical and asked for a bit of scrap 14-gague solid copper wire. With my pliers, I twisted the wire around the flourite with a little loop at the top and made a pendant to put on my frog necklace I got in New Orleans at the Bywater Art Market.
Well that's pretty sweet - maybe you've found your new calling...
There are worse jobs than that. ;)
Ah, franglais! I remember a video we watched in class about how they were trying to change French to call it anything other than 'un sandwich'. They even went so far as to propose a sandwich be referred to as "deux morceau de pain avec quelqe-chose au milieu".
Two pieces of bread with something in the middle? Sista pleeeease.
Thanks, Orb! Really, it's nothing anybody who's done any electrical work couldn't do. That would be tres cool if I could make a living doing that, though. :-)
Citrus - dude, I luuuuv copper! When I worked in street lighting, I'd take the shiny thick copper grounding wire that runs down the side of wooden power poles and make little curly-q's and braids with my pliers.
Well if the cap fits...
I watched an interesting programme on copper mining and working the other night - beautiful metal that.
Golly I love the way you guys talk. I know that sounds really blonde and air headish. Andy with his curly-q's and Karl with his wonderful accent, "beautiful meatl that". I don't know any guy who is secure enough in his manhood to utter curly-q or paisly or have any idea what a sconse is. Never change! :)
I agree with Citrus and Karl. Excellent copperwork Andy!
I like using silly words. :-) Although, just like being handy with pliers, anybody who's done any electrical work knows what a sconce is.
Yeah, all in all I'm pretty secure. My lunch bag is purple. Imagine the ribbing I get at my blue-collar job!
One of the things I like best about Andy is his self-security - an admirable quality if ever there was one.
Many of my mates are always trying to be macho, so pointless - I'm forever telling them to drop it.
For instance, today one of my best mates said he was cold walking to the car, so I offered him my coat - and as usual he said "no, because I'm not gay", freezing to uphold your machoness, it's quite sad really.
Thanks for the compliment TG. :) We all speak in our random little colloquial ways. ;)
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