Thursday, January 19, 2006

Things are going well at the new digs. Everybody there is cool as hell, and really seem to have accepted me. It's so laid back there as opposed to Lowe's. Lowe's was like a civilian version of the Air Force, where everybody nervously walked around with ramrods up their backsides. Totally different at Chipotle, and it really makes for a cohesive team.

That, and everybody keeps talking about going to parties. Every day I'm there, it's more stories about parties. Maybe if I get in good, I may actually get invited to one... wouldn't that be exciting? Hey, there's a first for everything. :-)


It's happened. I've hopped on the bandwagon, and been lured in by the siren call, ensnared within the inescapable whirlpool. I've fallen under the spell of cheerleader-y charms. Yes, folks. I have fallen madly in love....

... with Rachael Ray. God help me.


It's getting kinda lonely in here.


I honestly still have all the nice deep thoughts that I once used to post. I'm just online so very seldom, they've usually dissipated into the ether by the time I sit down to type, leaving me only with the recollection that some time earlier I was having a great and lofty (nigh poetically so) idea. And by now, it's just an imaginational poof of smoke. I hate that.


Class went well tonight. Struck up chitchats with two different students from other classes. I feel so free there at OIP&T, and everybody thus far has been really receptive to me. I'm still not quite sure how to handle that, but I'm forcing myself to take advantage and talk to people... and it's working!

We went into the very barebones basics of Photoshop, yet still I learned a ton of stuff. Mr. Fancy Pants here didn't know nearly as much as I thought I did. So we're futzing with layers, and our project for the night was to apply what we had learned to the small handful of photos in the sample directory. I created this... the invasion of the duckies!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Stylish Rachael!
Hair ; Smile and of course Eyes.
You are in the right dirction Grover.
Your LOVE! is the most Photogenic
girl I have seen recently.

8:16 AM  

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