Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monday my BFF, my brother from another mother drove away to Denver, Colorado to go to college.  I'm proud as hell of him, but dammit, having lost my girlfriend two weeks earlier and then now Shaggy, I'm feeling alone as hell.  It's been hard not to get at least a little emo about it all.  This has, however, thrown into sharp focus the state of my own life.  Always the one to appreciate having the proverbial mirror in front of my face, rather than freaking out over it (however negative or how much I may dislike what I see), this has spurred new inspiration to get my shizzle together.  Filled out my FAFSA, and have sent it off to two local colleges.  Time to get my ass an edjumucation in a blue-chip career field.  

Been hanging out a lot with Jen lately.  It's funny, two former lovers now bitching to each other about the woes of single life.  Few people could withstand the honesty and the irony.  Having the female companionship has been a godsend in buffering* the sting of loneliness.  Anybody who has read this blog for any amount of time WELL knows how much I suck balls at being single.  I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to sidestep the "beggars can't be choosers" approach to dating.  Believe me, with popular social scenes sporting damn near a 5:1 male to female ratio around here, choosing is not an option.  It's beer and watching the pretty "bad boys" get the girl.

*I accidentally typed 'buggering' at first. Made me chuckle.

Anyway, I'm having my ups and downs, but nothing I can't handle with a little help from my friends, and a pint or two or three or four of Murphy's.  Best Irish stout on the market, BTW.  I got a new toy in the mail: a cheap plastic Holga lens that fits on my Canon 50D.  It boogers up focusing and colors, and causes a darkening (vignetting) and blurring around the edges of the image.  Here are a few I took of Shaggy as he hung out in my apartment Sunday, one last time before high-tailing it out of Troy.  These are straight out of camera with no manipulation.

Pretty cool, huh?

In other news, I have vowed to learn how to do the Melbourne Shuffle, as has been revived in popularity by LMFAO and their song Party Rock Anthem.  It's basically pretty easy, and I dance my own weird "Andy Shuffle" (coincidentally quite similar to the established Melbourne) like a fiend to dance music anyway.  Why not learn some basic steps to not only get in shape a little, but also have something substantial to bring to the dance floor rather than just my usual brand of awkward slapstick idiocy. 

Imma tear dat shit up! :-)


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