Thursday, December 30, 2004


"There is a curious paradox that no one can explain;
Who understands the secret of the reaping of the grain,
Who understands why spring is born out of winter's laboring pain,
Or why we all must die a bit before we grow again."

from "The Fantasticks"


My substance is taking a brief hiatus, and I've been moping around like an empty shell for the last few days. I shall return soon... stronger, wiser and more mature. For the time being, sink your teeth into this post from Jen St. Clair.


Blogger Grover said...

Wow. That's the wordiest excuse for writer's block I've ever heard.

Honestly, I have been in a fantastically bad mood lately, and slightly embarrassed by my last post. I didn't mean to judge his life, and looking back, that's what came across. 'Substandard' was an inapproprate word, and I feel like a heel for using it. I'm being a bit of a drama queen with all the woe-is-me, and I'm sorry if it's getting laborious to sift through. It simply has to come off my chest or I'll go stark raving mad.

Things are very very tense in my household right now, and my soul is in survival mode, effectively eliminating any sense of humor or inspiration. I shall emerge stronger sometime (hopefully) in the near future.

11:11 AM  
Blogger Orbling said...

You shouldn't feel bad, and certainly not embarrassed by your last post. These things are logs, electronic journals, with feedback. If they're not for getting stuff off your chest, what are they for?

We all must vent, I think I went a bit tough on you with my response. It's an unfortunate characteristic of mine that I tend to spiral into a lecture when I'm passionate about a subject, or concerned about a friend.

Winter's labouring pain will soon be over, I'm sure. Then a fresh Andy will be born.

Personally, I hope it's rather like the old one, just more contented.

5:48 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Yes, me too. (responding to Orbling)

And I posted that post before I read yours, btw. :)

11:28 AM  

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