Friday, December 24, 2004

The weather outside is HORRIFYING

It is -10 degrees (-23 centigrade) outside. It is so cold that it pisses you off. Literally. You take a step outside and the shock is so intense that it's quite upsetting. If hell ever freezes over, this is what it would feel like.

What a bizarre winter storm we had. I've never in my 26 long years seen anything like this. Snow up to my freakin thighs... and then this cold snap behind it. I felt like I was digging a World War II trench to get out of my back door and down to the car. Luckily it was that dry fluffy snow that's nice and light. I got some pictures yesterday. If I ever get around to developing them (got about 7 undeveloped rolls ahead of this one), I'll post a few. This storm is being compared to the great (nigh mythical) "Blizzard of '78", and I'm sure we'll be talking about this one for years to come... the "Christmas 04 Blizzard". Not really a blizzard, but people are calling it that.

Oh, and btw, merry christmas all.


Blogger Orbling said...

Ah, an extremely White Christmas for you then, such things are mythical round here. We have about a 10% chance of snow in London, which is better than usual. 23 years since the last christmas day snow.

Mind you, if it snowed like that none of my family would be able to get here, as nobody in this country can cope with 1/2" of snow let alone a few feet, and that would be annoying. So perhaps I won't regret the lack of snow.

Merry Christmas to you, hope you feel the love today. :)

11:11 PM  

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