Monday, December 13, 2004

First snow

It's monday morning before work. I had to run out to the car for something, and it had just begun to snow. Not just a drifty flake here, flake there kinda thing, but the first nice hearty flurry of the season. I don't know why, but I've always loved watching snow in the dark, illuminated only by the pale mercury street lights. I'd've stayed out longer to enjoy it, but it was windy and snowing sideways. I hate getting snow in my ears.


Blogger Orbling said...

Whenever it snows here during the night, I always wake up. The light that the snow reflects gives off a sort of orange lumiessence in my room, unmistakeable. Well worth waking up for. We're probably quite a way off the first snow fall though. Don't usually get any till after Christmas.

11:15 AM  
Blogger Grover said...

The snow is about right on time this year. Sometimes we'll get our first deusy of a snowfall as early as November, other times it holds off until January. We're getting a good dusting today, no real accumulation, just a pretty white layer over everything. Naturally there are wrecks all up and down the highway. I swear, each freakin time it snows, drivers act like they've never seen it before in their lives and just hit the road with no precaution whatsoever. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN, PEOPLE. That's my rant for the day.

In Bridgit Jones' Diary, it was snowing in time for Christmas. Did they just throw that in to satisfy the American audience? I noticed her weight was measured in pounds, not stones, another American conversion, I assume. Either way, I'm a sucker for British comedy. Love Actually is one of my favorite movies of all time. Very clever humor. I especially like the poke at the American president, a skillful blend of the worst qualities of both Clinton and Bush.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Orbling said...

I think this time in December would be just right for the first snowfall. Decorations go up today in my house (mum's birthday) so it would go nicely.

To my knowledge, we have had a "white christmas" here in London, twice in the last 70 years. The last one being when I was a toddler. Though it snowed on Boxing Day in '96.... So yes, I dare say they through that in for convention - like all cinematic christmas days. ;)

The British do love their comedy, and as a result there are some rather good examples of it. Political satire being a speciality. A week never passes without a good dig at Bush by some sketch show. He might aswell have a bullseye painted on him. ;)

9:22 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Dude, it's the same thing over here. The only people truly overjoyed that he got reelected are the satirists and cartoonists. Four more years of guaranteed (almost spoon fed) material for them to skewer.

I couldn't help but notice, in Love Actually, that Hugh Grant's character was not only loveable as a fuzzy stuffed toy but brave and stalwart enough to tell the President to stick it. I know the Prime Minister has caught flak for quite some time now as Bush's lap dog. Do you think Grant's character was a jab from the filmmakers at Blair, saying "this is what we wish you'd have been like"?

8:39 AM  
Blogger Orbling said...

Oh definitely, the British really value an "upstanding" character. Someone who will stand by their principles, whatever they are, rather than fold.

As a result, Blair gets an amazing amount of flak. If it were true flak, he could walk on it.

Over here the satirists refer to him as 'the poodle', ref: lap dog.

5:37 PM  

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