Tuesday, March 29, 2005

No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth. Several factors are lending to this posting dry spell. For starters, things in my world are changing very drastically causing me to sink into myself and not express or project. It's not a bad thing. In fact I've been in a terrific mood lately. I've just cocooned right now, and it may be some time before I emerge, but rest assured I'm shivering with antici...

...pation in my little protective shell. No, not a shell, but a spring bud waiting for the right moment to bloom. Yeah.




And wouldn't you know, but just as I picked up a new reader whose blog is one of the freshest, (weirdest), and truly fun to read, I am smacked with this introversion causing one MASSIVE case of I-don't-wanna-write-anything-today.

It's not that I haven't anything to write, there's actually a bazillion things I want to say right now. It just isn't the right time to say them. Like the distant rumble of an approaching thunderstorm, change is coming...


Another thing, since my promotion to trainer (and the spring season kicking into high gear)I have been having back-to-back training classes at work leaving me absolutely psychologically spent by the end of the day, and with just enough mental fortitude left to manage a blank stare at whatever program is on the idiot box, regardless of whether I like it or not. This is not conducive to witty discourse.


One of my trainees today said that I was a natural administrator, and that I had a remarkable amount of patience while explaining things so that everybody can understand what I'm teaching. I was taken aback and quite flattered.


My wife had her friend over the other day and I mentioned that I was at Dunaway's on St. Patrick's night. She said her friend was there too. I made mention about being Mr. Popular due to my camera and she said "Holy shit, that was you?" "Umm...yeah. That was me." "[friend's name] told me there was some drunk jackass there taking pictures!"


Otherwise, socially I think I'm regressing. Of course I say this as I prepare for a friday evening of cavorting with friends from work at Elbo's, a club down in Dayton. I dunno, when all that I call reality is in a state of flux, the act of changing is so easy to mistake for vacuous stagnation rather than positive forward motion. Why is that? Is it simply the unfamiliar, and thus difficult to recognize, territory?




All will pan out in due time. Please bear with me. Of course, if there are any good photos on next payday's (thursday) photo pick up / drop off, I'll post them immediately. There should be, it's one of my rolls from St. Paddy's Day. Teehee!


Blogger Orbling said...

Well, I'm glad to see you've not fallen off the mortal coil just yet and look forward to the bazillion things that will appear here in the future... ;)

Though I do hope your workload reduces pronto, being tired is annoying.

10:34 PM  

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