Friday, April 22, 2005

I'm seriously stressing out. I am going to be alone from the 29th to the following Tuesday, and I'm panicking over what to do in such a tiny window of time. There's so much I could do... go to a bar, go dancing, see a band, find an acoustic night somewhere, try my hand at karaoke, join a swinger's club, sit by the river and watch the sun set, get a tattoo, eat at L&V, find an open-mic poetry night, drive to Urbana and chill with Dad...

(Ok, so I was kidding about the swinger club. The only affordable one here in Dayton has a strict no-male-bisexuality rule. Nazi homophobes. I'm a freak like that.)

Seriously. What I really reeeeealy want to do is go dance, but from what I hear, the clubs around here are either trashy meat markets that play top 40 pop crap, deathtraps where you will get mugged in the parking lot, or uppity dress-to-impress martini-sipping sex-in-the-city-style snobvilles. I'm sorry, but after I come home from work and ditch the monkey suit, I want to shower, put on the jeans and t-shirt and let my hair down (so to speak), not pimp myself out.

(me. a pimp. snickering at the idea of me dressed like Huggy Bear)

Friday night I'm gonna meet Angela after work over a glass or two of beer and catch up on all the latest goings on at Honda and basically re-unload all the baggage I just subjected Yvonne to yesterday. Attention and pity. It's fucking more addictive than heroin. Anyhoo, she goes out a lot with her friends, I think I'll ask her for some fun things to do.


I forgot to mention, the fortune cookie I got when we went over to Becky's last week:

"You will be advanced socially, without any special effort."

Well, it's about freaking time! You know, for lately (and especially today for some reason), everybody at work has been talking up a storm to me and being all smiley and "You're so sweet, Andy!" It's quite an unusual (and welcome) departure from the usual "Oh God, it's talking to me." look I'm accustomed to getting.

This concludes today's drivelling stream-of-consciousness. :-)


Blogger Orbling said...

I've always avoided clubs like the plague, pretty much because they're mainly like what you described - either pretentious or meat markets, both fairly sickening.

Attention is most definitely addictive, worryingly so; must spend even more time on my own. Yes, will become a hermit and start calling something my precious...

"You will be advanced socially, without any special effort."

From which I would extract that you should be casual, and not try too hard with anyone. Gently does it.

9:37 PM  

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