Friday, February 03, 2006

Having worked days yesterday, the night crew shuffled in right before 4. Fabiola walked in through the front door, and try as I might to keep it subtle, I flashed her a big beaming (and goofy-looking, I'm sure) smile which she returned. The replacement crew having taken their place on the line, she asked me "Are you coming in or go?" I told her I was leaving, and she gave me one of those mock sad lower-lip-sticking-out faces.

mustn't get my hopes up. mustn't get my hopes up. mustn't get my hopes up...


One of the guys on night crew who didn't clock in till five asked if I was going to go, and invited me to sit at the table and eat with him. So we got to comparing military experiences and talking about different drugs. We go out behind the place (because the manager and his family sat right behind us, and he didn't want him to overhear) and continue our conversation. I tell him I've never done anything other than pot, and that I'd never do anything else other than maybe a hallucinogen. He's the same way, and says some time he'll get something and talk me through my first trip, as he's done that for other people.

The guys at work have really begun to accept me. Another guy who you can tell is a smooth mover with women (but not at all dickhead-ish. he's very cool) keeps teasing me by looking over whenever a good looking woman walks in and saying "There you go Andrew... get her number!" Another guy who is a trainer keeps telling me "good work, man" and chitchatting about music. I'm getting a nonverbal communication thing going with the Mexican dudes (no habla ingles), and frankly I've got half a crush on a guy with long curly red hair (the aforementioned ladies man, and it's no wonder... he's really cute).

Frankly, I've always been afraid of guys. Not like I don't hang out with them, but usually I prefer the company of women. I'm just more comfortable there, but I'm slowly learning not to be so apprehensive of guys. They're not all combative and ego-driven. I mean, I've always known that. Not like I'm walking around thinking all men want to beat each other up or anything, but there's always been a slight false perception on my part that guys don't cohere as women do.


Ok, I'm getting tired of typing, so I'll break down what happened afterward:

1) Got out of class early after completing a self-assigned pen tool project which I turned in labeled "extra credit?"

2) Went to Dunaways, and the place was packed. I forgot Thursdays were karaoke night.

3) Ran into Angie (from O'Brian's last St. Patrick's Day) who was talking to a couple of guys. She went back to her people and I sat down with the guys. They bought a bucket of beer and gave me two as we talked for about a half and hour.

4) They stepped out to make a phone call. Never came back. Never paid their tab. I think they were trying to stick me with their bill. Mother Fuckers. Instead, the waitress had to pay it. She was very upset. I insisted she take the price of the two bottles of Budweiser I drank off of what she had to pay and put them on my tab, but she wouldn't. Sweet girl.

5) Sang karaoke. Began with standard "Wonderful Tonight". Greatly enjoyed watching womens' reactions.

6) Later sang Chili Peppers' "Under The Bridge". Was asked for autograph by a table of women. I thought they were kidding. They weren't. :-)

6.5) Honestly, I think I'm a bad singer. It's just so much fun and I'm a ham. I really don't like the sound of my voice.

7) Later sang "Dust in the Wind".

8) Later sang Meat Puppets' "Backwater".

9) Offered to dance with the occupants of the table. They said they would if I got up and danced with the gaggle of people dancing to the upbeat country song being sung. I did, however frighteningly bad. Earned a seat at their table.

10) danced with a very lovely lady from the table. The others were too embarrassed, saying they'd make me look bad, despite my insistance otherwise. Said they'd tarnish my reputation. Said I didn't have a reputation. They didn't believe me, obviously mistaking me as some local celebrity or something. Tried telling them I'm just a guy who makes burritos. Didn't work.

11) Submitted Meredith Brooks' "If We Kissed", probably the most erotically charged song ever written. Karaoke DJ said it was too late, but I got him to play it by lying to him and saying "Dude, help me out. This may be the song that gets a brother laid, you know?" Of course that wasn't the case, I was just feeling good and wanting to sing one more song.

12) Sang the song emboldened by far too much beer which brought out my inner flirt (and theatrical showman). Walked all over the bar with the wireless mic (since I know the words by heart) stopping at and singing to just about every woman there, but mostly to the table of women. Still wouldn't dance with me. :-(

14) They left, but not before a round of big hugs. High on alcohol, adrenaline, and testosterone, I asked a girl I hadn't been talking to at all to dance before paying my gigantic $9 tab (God bless dollar pints), saying goodbye to the fine wait staff, and leaving.

15) Just about the most fun I've ever had there. Still wish I could've gotten a kiss or a phone number or something, but frankly (given what transpired), I'm not complaining!



Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

Oh Andy, you are such a playa!

You could totally get a gig in Vegas, or something with that attitude.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Me... a player...

Like that'll ever happen. :-) I couldn't find a girl who'd agree to date me if my life depended on it. Believe me, I'm trying and it ain't workin. That's why I volunteered to tend bar at the Banana Jam, just so I could get in to hear the band. Mom wouldn't let me buy a ticket (she's friends with the guy who organizes it) unless I had somebody to go with. Said it wasn't an appropriate event to "stag" at or something.

11:41 PM  

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