Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hi! I'm hardly ever online anymore guys... if I'm not working, I'm scrambling to complete my camera skills project o'the week, or tending to my infant social life. Speaking of camera skills... I'm in a pinch. I will get around to reading your blogs. By saturday I have to have 25-30 photos on the topic of "sorrow".

Help. Please.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated... what does sorrow mean to you? How would you define it? What induces sorrow within you? How do you know sorrow when you see it in others? What does sorrow feel like inside of you? I've a couple of good ideas, but not nearly enough.


Tended bar last night at a tropically themed fund raiser called the "Banana Jam". Big loud classic rock cover band and about 200 drunk couples clad in beachcomber hats and Hawaiian print shirts, dancing like old white people. Ate tons of pizza, drank a little MGD, got out and danced a few times, and poured countless pitchers of beer and glasses of wine. It was a blast. :-)


Sorry about not reading your guys' blogs as much as I used to. Barbara, I've checked up on yours several times, but you talk about bands and politicians I've never heard of... I mean to comment but don't know what to say! :-)


Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

Hey, sorry, Andy; I get kinda stuck inside my own world sometimes. Next post will be something that's a little past the end of my own nose. Promise!

As for your questions about sorrow. That's tough, of course, but I think what initiates sorrow most in me is seeing pain in others. When you have your own pain, you can do something about it, but there's a real helplessness to seeing your pet suffer physical pain or your child suffer emotional pain. And to me sorrow is very visceral. Cliched as it is, I feel it as an ache in my chest, combined with a heaviness in the belly, a tightness of the throat. I don't know if this will help you at all, but there it is. Good luck with the assignment.

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - now I know where I remember you from, you post on Barbara's blog from time to time. Anyway, it's good to hook up with ya, I'm blogrolling you.

Defining sorrow, that's tough. Sorrow is disappointment. Sorrow is sadness that is internalized. Sorrow is regret without knowing how to right the perceived wrongs. Sorrow kinda leads to regret which kinda leads to construction which kinda leads to self-acceptance.

Ack. That's my take anyway.

2:07 AM  
Blogger Grover said...

Barbara - no, I wasn't complaining! That's what blogs are for... total self-absorbtion. :-) I almost used your thoughts on the physical sensations, and thought about a photo with a bar clamp around my throat, but I'd need proper lighting which is yet a tad beyond my skill level. But you did inspire me!

Michelle - Blogroll? I'm flattered! :-) Thank you for your input... I took a few photos today with your concepts in mind.

1:29 AM  

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