Saturday, May 28, 2005

Ever the one to eschew (a word far underused) rules and regulations, I now officially declare a sixth tag on Chickpea.

I'm just so totally flattered that a semi-celebrity who has had, to this moment, 110,175 visitors to their site would come to my little trifle of a blog. Yay!

But I still double-dog-dare you, Miss Pea, to answer the tag. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't even ask me how long it took to come up with this...

Stop your flattering. I'm just me! And your ten things I've never done:

1 - Had sushi
2 - Played the lottery
3 - Seen a sunset on the ocean. Can only see ocean sunrises on the east coast
4 - Experienced TRUE love
5 - Been able to sit through a movie without making a comment outloud or re-write something in my head
6 - Had anyone else color my hair
7 - Gotten a pedicure or manicure
8 - Never met all the members of 311 - I'm missing Nick Hexum
9 - Beaten the N64 version of The Legend of Zelda
10 - Been on TV

6:57 PM  

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