Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I was tagged a few days ago by Raven to list ten things I've never done. I didn't get this until now, because I access my blogs by my sidebar instead of typing them in. When I put Raven on my links, I accidentally made the hyperlink go to "ravenslong" instead of "ravenslog", so I thought her blog was down or something.

A freudian whip? I mean slip? :-)

Anyhoo, here are Ten Things I've Never Done:

1) Given/recieved oral sex in a movie theater. I hope to remedy this... both ways.
2) Shrooms
3) The Macarena
4) Body shots. Not even sure exactly what that is, but it sounds fun.
5) Eaten escargots
6) Been stuffed into a locker. Being the fat kid had its benefits.
7) Won a game of billiards
8) Held a tarantula
9) Serenaded my true love at her bedroom window
10) Chased a tornado... or even seen one, for that matter. I hope to remedy this... both ways.

I tag Texas Gurl, Nanabear, Mila (if she still reads me), Orb, and Mr. Unknown Commenter.


Blogger :| raven |: said...

lol @ body shots....

and i have been in a tornado .. it is definitely not a good time. i literally thought i was going to die.

you couldn't pay me a million dollars to hold a tarantula. not even two million. maybe three though.

10:56 PM  
Blogger slim whale said...

you should've included starring in a porn flick. or have you done that already?

that's my lifelong dream. lol.

love your posts

11:06 PM  
Blogger Orbling said...


1) No, wouldn't do that.
2) Err, think I'm allergic to mushrooms, they shutdown my digestive system somehow - mind you I react very badly to mould, must be the same thing. If you're talking druggie thingies, then nope.
3) LOL, amusing song - for some reason the lasting impression I have of that is the US gymnastic team doing it in the gala in the Atlanta Games '96.
4) I'm sure I have less idea than you on that one, I'll say no to be safe. ;)
5) Vegan, therefore no, and I'm petrified of gastropods - they are my greatest mortal fear.
6) My school didn't have lockers, result. Not that I would've been, people didn't tend to give me grief that way.
7) Oooh, ooh, yes - done that.
8) And again, yes, spiders aren't scary. :) Had a barracuda round my neck too - though that's a little bit dangerous.
9) Have tried this sorta, though my singing voice needs less practice as no matter how much I try it still sucks. ;)
10) I've been in a hurricane and flown home in one - but not a tornado, that would be pretty interesting.

I'd have trouble listing 10 things I have done, the world is full of things I've never done. ;)

6:55 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

I know. In this world of infinite possibility, how can you pick only 10 things? I opted for the somewhat absurd rather than the profound and meaningful.

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel left out

8:55 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

No way, Chickpea! It's just that I've placed you up on a sky-high pedestal. I sometimes forget that you visit my humble little burnt offering to the goddess of Chickpea that is my blog.

Ever wonder why I started posting photos? It was to impress you. Silly, but true.

9:31 PM  

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