Thursday, July 21, 2005

I've been in a stupid phase lately... my posts over the last few weeks have been getting progressively more and more, well, dumb. Then I wrote a comment on Steff's blog that actually had a point, so I thought I'd post it here as well to give my dwindling blog a brain cell or two. This is in response to Canada's recent official legalization of same-sex marriage:

If you think about it, we as a civilization are still emerging from the dark ages. I mean, come on... a hundred years ago women still weren't considered intelligent enough to vote. Fifty years ago, civil rights protesters were getting gunned down in public in the south. I think this recent surge of hyper-conservativism is merely a last panicky gasp before the human race evolves. Canada is leading the way.

Right now we're in another 1950's. Everybody in America is being pressured to go with the flow, stop asking questions, and conform. Question askers are eyed suspiciously. "Towel heads" are the new Commies, and we're in a serious period of isolationism and neo-McCarthyism with the Department of Homeland Security being nothing more than a sequel to the House Un-American Activities Committee.

In the next few years I predict there will be a social revolt, and we'll enter another 60's. It has to happen to maintain the balance.


Blogger Scribe Called Steff said...

No, I think the segue to the 60s is beginning now.

I think we're not far off from a radical change of thought, but it really needs to continue gaining momentum right now.

Canada will possibly begin to influence American thought, but keep in mind, back in 1969, our prime minister then, Pierre Eliot Trudeau, said the government had no place in people's bedrooms-- and since then, sodomy, oral sex, all of that has been legal nationally, which still is NOT the case in America.

Canada's always been the wild little sister to America, but we've been quiet about it. Due to the current American climate, our politics are becoming more known, and some segments of American "leadership" choose to demonize us for it. Such is life.

The youngins, though, are the ones who might affect change soon... and it's music, television, and film that will drive any change in social thought, because that's what happened in the 60s-- the Fillmore Room in San Fran and the headtrip concerts, and Woodstock, and Easy Rider... all of those played a huge role in creating a climate of acceptance and tolerance.

There are musicians now who are bringing some of those elements back to light, and there are films that are asking hard questions and urging change, so who knows where it'll go or how soon...

BUT the seeds are there. Things are slowly beginning to change, and not as cosmetically as it was for the last few years. It's interesting to see where it goes.

AND THIS... Blogging... will be hugely instrumental in our future. I've said that before and I still believe it. Politicians and the people in power have always had to hear from us through middlemen, through marketing groups, townhalls, and all of that.

Now, though, is the first time the public has really had its voice unadulterated for consumption by the powers that be.

It's a remarkably interesting time to be an observer of the world stage.

Let's hope the play's worth staying around for.

FOOD beckons.

7:37 PM  
Blogger Orbling said...

Curious, I would've said we are entering dark ages with the end of decency and society.

Come and see bureaucracy
make its final heave
and let the new disorder through
while senses take their leave.
Families screaming line the streets
and put the windows through
in corner shops
where keepers kept
the country's life-blood blue.
Take their pick
and try the trick
with loaves and fishes shared
and the vicar shouts
as the lights go out,
and no-one really cares.

Dark Ages
shaking the dead
Closed pages
better not read
Cold rages
burn in your head.

-- Dark Ages, Jethro Tull

10:14 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Funny how even though both of your opinions are 180 degrees from each other, they are opposite sides of the exact same coin.

10:02 PM  

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