Saturday, October 22, 2005

Hi. It's 2:45am, and guess where I am? Yep, home.

I have no urge whatsoever to go into detail except that Cruxshadows was fucking awesome, the lead singer gives good hugs, I had an excellent time dancing my ass off for hours with a huge smile, and I have come to the conclusion that women are completely untouchable. Yeah, I left early, half-dead of embarrassment.

Ok, so as I'm dancing, song after song after song, I see this girl all night who is standing alone watching the crowd and looking all forlorn. I'm thinking to myself, god, this girl looks as miserable as I'm pretending not to be, so I spend the night screwing up the courage to say something. Toward the end of the night, I finally approach her and say: "Pardon me, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you look like you want somebody to say hi to you, so hi!, I'm Andy."

"Oh, umm, umm, I'm here with my boyfriend and, umm, I'm getting my friend because we're taking her home and, umm, we're leaving." Then she walks away.

Talk about being shot down point blank! I immediately leave, feeling about three inches tall and wanting to crawl under a rock and die, I'm so embarrassed. I will never talk to anybody I don't already know ever again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No no no! Don't feel 3 inches tall! Don't not ever speak again! You have to use this kind of thing as a way to toughen you up! Soon you will be immune to being shot down and instead of shrinking you could turn around and say something like "well I apologize for approaching you and just my two cents but I think your boyfriend is a dick because he's left you sitting alone all night!" See? try it! Come on Andy Pants, lets get that spine strong and sturdy!

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy did you really say pardon me? We're gonna work on your approach, and make you a PIMP! Don't worry Andy, you're new @ this game. Chickpea is right, you have to use this to toughen up and get back out there!

3:16 PM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

Oh Andy, this breaks my heart. It will always hurt to get shot down, but you know that anyone who reads this wants to give you a big hug. So many people are so focused on their own lives that they don't see the small deaths that people all around them are dying all the time. But there are great people out there in the big old world. Leave yourself open to recognise them.
Do you have any objections to my placing you on my blogroll? You are an important voice.

4:26 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Chickpea - I never in a million years would've thought to say that. Strange thing is, I'm kind of afraid to become immune and jaded. I'm comfortable in this somewhat childlike ignorance of the world. Then again, William Blake said "Innocence dwells with Wisdom, but never with Ignorance." Yeah, I think growing some testicles is in order.

A - What's wrong with 'pardon me'? Too formal, I'm guessing. What else is there to say?

Barbara - I will never lose my faith in people. Don't worry about little ol' me. Discouragement finds me easily, but after a brief struggle I can usually shake it off. As for the blog roll, I would be honored to be on your list.


As an interesting note, William Blake, whom I quoted above, was also the one who said "The path of Excess leads to the Tower of wisdom". That said, is it not to be gleaned from his logic that the path of Excess leads to the Tower of Innocence? Hmm... I dunno.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Scribe Called Steff said...

Chill babe. She don't know what she's missing. Try it again. After all, you're still breathing, pulsing, et al, right?

She sounds like a cow. :)

11:27 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Yeah, I guess it's true... that which doesn't kill us will only make us stronger. Still, the rejection felt like a swift kick to the nuts. Cow? I dunno if I want to say anything bad about her. Maybe she had dickheads hitting on her all night and her defenses were up.

12:26 PM  

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