Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Zaftig beauty, hockey pucks, and desperately needed change.

Yeah, it's been awhile since my last post. But not all hope is lost! Chipotle has greatly reduced my hours, and I've got more free time on my hands. So let's see what has happened since last week...

[Wayne's World style "skiddly-doo! skiddly-doo! skiddly-doo!"]

Friday night, went over to Eagles Girl's place, and we picked up some sandwiches and beer. We sat and watched movies, she curled up against me during. After, she put in a commercial for a college in Cleveland that she was in, as well as some college student's weird art movie that she had a part in. We just sat and talked, and she whipped out her guitar and we traded songs.

No, nothing beyond putting my arm around her during the movie happened. It's not what we need right now, and she's kinda working on a relationship with a guy in Florida. But we both need a friend, and somebody to hang out with.


Saturday I went and shot a couple of "squirt" hockey games. Got some awesome action shots, and afterward bought a nice padded binder and page protectors at Staples. Came home and printed about five prints off. Lee told me I need a portfolio to show off.

Later that night, I went over to Dark Haired Girl's. She had a bunch of friends over, and it was nice to hang out with a crowd. We watched "The Breakup", and I have to say, it was kind of annoying. Not really all that funny. :-( I had such high hopes for it.

So Sunday I'm shooting more hockey games, with older kids. Unexpectedly sold three of my example prints, right on the spot. Hell yeah. The older kids were much more fast paced, and the game was actually quite thrilling. I shot from the penalty box, alongside one of the coaches. I even commented how exciting the game was, and that it made me want to go out and skate. He invited me to join the "old man's" hockey league, which had a game that night if I wanted to come and watch.

Schmoozing with the league brass. That's me. :-)

I damn near ate a hockey puck, though. Even when shooting on my knees from behind the barrier (and the glass is behind the penalty box, not in front), I'm still exposed from about the chest up. One of the kids did a slap shot to bounce the puck off the wall around an opponent, but it flew a little too high and bounced off the barrier right under me. It flew unbelievably fast, and hit the hollow steel wall with an earsplitting BANG like a gunshot.

Scared the everliving shit out of me.

I flinched so hard I hit the floor, and gasped "Jesus Christ!" The coach just chuckled at me. I'm definitely buying one of those plastic teeth guards before the tournament this weekend. I like my teeth. I'd like to keep them in my mouth.

Between supersonic flying disks of vulcanized rubber, charging bulls (weekend after this), and football running backs charging out of bounds, I'm most definitely going to get my ass kicked sooner or later doing this.


Week from today is my last at Chipotle! Yay! I'll miss that job, but it's just too much in the way of the photography and school now.


While cleaning at stillwater a few days ago, I came across one of those Merriam-Webster's daily calendars with unusual words and definitions. In the trash was this previous day's page:

adj: having a full rounded figure; pleasingly plump

"Real Women Have Curves," proclaimed a 2002 movie title. In this view, the ideal woman is robust, pleasingly plump, Rubenesque, full-figured, queen-size, lush, substantial, voluptuous, statuesque. She is, in a word, zaftig. "Zaftig"... comes from the Yiddish zaftik, which means "juicy" or "succulent".
I have finally found the all-encompassing word to describe the hottest women on the planet: ZAFTIG!
Dark Haired Girl, Eagles Girl... perfect examples of succulent, juicy, zaftig hotness. Oh yeah.


Cooling the hormones down a bit... as I'm typing this, Bush is giving his speech. Rumsfeld is resigning, and will finally no longer be able to do any more damage. Bush himself acknowledged that the GOP took, in his words, "A thumpin", and already his tone and attitude have changed from defiance, to expressing much more complacency and desire for bipartisan cooperation. America spoke, and the people won. The Republicans are out.

Let the disaster clean-up and the healing begin. Hallelujah.


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