Thursday, September 11, 2008

I don't know about you, but the memory of today's anniversary is still too painful to talk about. To this day, at quiet times when my mind is free to wander such as the work commute, gazing over Lake Erie, or walking around the grocery store, I find myself suddenly having to wipe tears from my eyes from the images that still randomly haunt my mind's eye, and the screams that still pierce. September 11, 2001 FUCKED me up for the long term.

I understand the importance of memorializing the date, but it's everywhere I turn. Every media avenue imaginable is smashing it in our faces, recounting the events of the day in complete detail replete with melodramatic violin music. Is nothing sacred? They're almost aggressive in insisting we don't already mourn enough. I don't need this.


Blogger LadyNineveh said...

no you are not alone..i will never forget where i was and what i was doing on that day. but every year since..i wonder what the media will do on 9/11 to shove it down our throats. dont get me wrong..i know that there are those that lost loved ones and i truly feel sorry for their loss, but i wonder if even they have to wonder why the media wont let them just rest in know what i mean??

6:08 PM  

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