Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm a little miffed. McCain has been blasting Obama till he's blue in the face over Obama's youth and inexperience. He then turns around and chooses for a running mate somebody not only younger, but also far less experienced than Obama.

I haven't seen this level of 180-degree flip flop hypocrisy since Miller Brewing ran their "Man Law" series of commercials, one of which depicted a table full of walking hard-ons proclaiming "Don't Fruit the Beer." With their very next breath, they fruited the goddamn beer with Miller Chill.

I can't help but draw a parallel. All marketing, no principle.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm sure Mrs. Palin will make a fine VP. From what I've learned over the day, it appears she's been quite the butt-kicker in her current capacity. I'm not criticizing her in any way*. I just find McCain's choice of her, seemingly out of thin air, to be little more than a plainly obvious (and absolutely brilliant) move to pick up independents and still-grumbling Hillary supporters.


Had a back spasm wednesday night that dropped me to the floor and left me unable to move for about a half an hour. Went to the hospital thursday morning still barely able to walk. Got prescriptions for Ibuprofen, Vicodin, and Flexeril. Wouldn't you know, through the miracle of $4 generics, all three scripts together cost me a whopping $15.99. I'm feeling much better now.


Today, the one of the women who works the rental office here was holding this little dark ball of fuzz, so I walked in to see what it was. She'd rescued a baby bird that had fallen to the ground, and was feeding it specific baby bird food with a syringe.

She wants to nurse it until it can fly away on its own. I'll let you know when she names it. :-)


*Quite the opposite, in fact. My big thing to say is "Why don't we let presidents stay in power for more than eight years? Why not thirty, or even forty years? Oh yeah, it's because we want to keep a regular flow of fresh ideas into the Oval Office." Sarah Palin fits that bill, and she certainly showed no fear in taking on (and taking down) Alaska's corrupt "Good ol' Boy Network". She's fresh, and a true reformer. If Obama could have picked her, damn, that would be the ticket, man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Robert Fraser and i would like to show you my personal experience with Vicodin.

I am 27 years old. Have been on Vicodin for 1 day now. Found a few pills. I'm currently not an addict though I have taken vicodin in the past and I am certainly playing with the devil because I do like the feeling it gives me. Biggest problem, besides the addiction, is Insomnia. Tossed and turned for two hours before I decided to research it.

I have experienced some of these side effects -
Constipation and insomnia.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Robert Fraser

4:14 PM  

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