Thursday, August 27, 2009

(not so) Quick Update

Well, I'm typing this from an unlikely place: the waiting room at our local hospital. Don't be alarmed... Dark Haired Girl had surgery on her bladder, and the doc just came out to tell me that all went well, and that she's chillin' like a villain in the recovery room.

Ok, so he didn't say chillin', but you just know the anesthesiologist has her stoned off her ass right now.

The nurses who were prepping her for surgery thought we were married and kept referring to me as her husband. When they left, she and I just grinned at each other. The sound of that really wasn't hateful at all.


So, yeah. I've been trying but can't get on Blogger at home. I have a big shoot Saturday the 5th, the proceeds of which will go toward a laptop. It's become a straight-up bitch to be a digital photographer without one. Full tower desktop PC cases with CRT monitors aren't exactly the most portable of creatures. Once in my posession, which I'm hoping will be within September, I'll resume my online presence.

I miss talking to you guys. I think all these great thoughts, but have nowhere to put them, and as soon they arrive, POOF! they dissipate. I started the other night on my latest project, which I hope to turn into a book. The working title is "Steel Reserve, a Love Affair."

If you've never had Steel Reserve malt liquor, it's a real treat. Think of the last time you drove past a freshly road-killed skunk. Now take that, add alcohol, and put it in a shiny 22-ounce aluminum can.

Somehow, I managed to acquire a taste for it. Any reasonable explanation as to why still eludes me, but it happened. Anyhoo, one night Dark Haired Girl took a sip of it, and her face wretched and twisted in ways I didn't know faces could move. She looked like a butter sculpture left in the sun too long.

Once I picked myself up off the floor, regained my breath, and returned from the vaguely purple color I had laughed my ass into, I was immediately inspired to create a series of photos. The first two were taken Tuesday night, Shaggy and Blonde Haired Girl. I haven't laughed so hard in months. Wasn't expecting to be online, so I don't have any web-sized previews to show you. You're in for a real treat...


Speaking of Tuesday, it was my 31st birthday. I've really downplayed things this year. I don't know, turning 30 was fun, but the prospect and lead-up to this one (and probably most hereafter) has been markedly dreadful. Yes I, your friend and humble narrator, have acknowledged and begun to feel my mortality.


So, the Spanish Learning is going well, I'm really trying to train my brain to stop thinking in French (leftover from high school) and start generating original thoughts in Spanish. Mystery commenter of several posts prior, feel free to leave more titillating tantalizing tongue-twisting translational tidbits.


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