Monday, April 06, 2009

Tee hee!

So here in this ripe old year of 2009, I (your friend and humble narrator) am finally living out a sort of "guilty pleasure" fantasy. You know, the kind of thing you have always wanted to do, but were too afraid to admit, lest you let slip a peek of the kinks in your carefully crafted public facade?

I, Mr. I-Hate-Hipsters-And-All-They-Stand-For, am sitting in a Panera. Listening to the jazz quietly playing. Smugly tapping away on a Wi-Fi connected laptop. Blogging. (!!!) WITH MY $1.85 COFFEE!

Pretty soon I'll end up with a sport jacket over my t-shirt.

And a liberal sprinkling of the word 'postmodern' in my daily conversation.

And a sudden and inexplicable love of The Magnetic Fields and/or The Moldy Peaches.

... where will it all end??


Ooh! I just figured out what that weird little red button in the middle of the keyboard does. I'd been afraid to touch it till now.


Blogger LadyNineveh said...

say it ain't so!! heheeheh

how did the interview go!??!

9:27 PM  

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