Saturday, November 20, 2004

Internet society

After completing the latest version of my profile, I clicked on "Sneakers" to see if anybody else liked it. Sho 'nuff I find I am not as alone as I think in this cinematically-challenged world. The second profile on the list that pulled up is, I think, one of the most perfect blogs I've come across:

Does it get any better than this? I mean this girl is the closest thing to a real-life Bridget Jones. Helen Fielding couldn't've written it any better. Reasons I like this blog:

1) Short ADD-friendly posts
2) Lives in San Fransico, how awsome is that?
3) Not trying to knock anybody out with intellectual superiority
4) Written in a down to earth conversational tone, not bloated dramatic prose
5) Humble and humorously self-depricating without any 'poor me' crap (like mine)
6) Finds the amusing, absurd and the beautiful within simple daily life
7) Has this fantastic irreverence
8) Documents a genuinely interesting life
9) No long-winded political diatribes, just well thought out opinions
10) Did I mention she lives in San Francisco?

Is it me, or is it kinda...well...perverted to peek so closely into the world of a total stranger? Not sexually, but socially perverted. I mean, I'm not reading anything that she didn't post herself for all to see. There's just something terribly voyeuristic about this, it's almost creepy in a fun sneaky nosy kinda way. But then, does blogging your own feelings somehow cancel out the creepiness, like matter and anti-matter? ...blogging and anti-blogging? "Hey, it's ok that I'm a total stranger who lives 1000 miles away but knows your boyfriend's name...I have a blog!" Hmm...


Blogger bounce said...

is it okay that I've spent the afternoon reading you and think that I'm in love?

3:54 PM  

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