Saturday, August 13, 2005

Ok, a few things over the last few days...

1) I was at Sinclair's bookstore with Caro while she bought books for fall quarter. The girl in line ahead of us had these great tattoos on her arms, as well as full-back angel wing outlines. I complimented her on the tattoos, and a nice conversation ensued. After a few minutes of chitchatting, her friend she was with finished her purchase, and they had to go. That was the end of it, as I had places to be and things to do.

BUT! But, but, but... even as rousing a success this was as an exercise in overcoming my abject shyness, I have a question. Hypothetically, were I by myself, what could I have said to her to indicate that I thought she was cool, and would like to hang out and continue the conversation some time later? Of course, I wouldn't say what I just typed, that would be weird. Honestly, though, for when I actually hit the playing field, what are some things I could say in that type of situation to express that I don't want that to be our last meeting?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I've asked around at work, and gotten a few answers. I'll compare notes with you in a while.


2) Remember the Incoherency-inducing cashier from a week or so ago? Well, (to make a long story short), she was working today, and we said a few "Hi, howya doing?"'s throughout the day. As I was walking out to go home, she was at the register right by the exit doors. I said "see ya later!", and she said "Bye! Sure you don't wanna take me with you?"

I know what she meant... meaning that she didn't want to be there at work, but naturally, the Witty Banter division of he Brain department goes bye-bye. I say something along the lines of "Well... where do you want to go?"

In my defense, and at the very least, I stumbled through this with a smile instead of my usual dumb-founded, "I have no idea why you said that" look, so this is a forward step. She laughs back, "I'm just kidding." I say (still wearing the goofy grin) "I know. See you next week."

Of course, as I reach the van at the far reaches of the parking lot, my wits return, and with a firm Homer Simpson-style thump to the forehead, it strikes me: I should've said, with a sly yet I-know-you're-only-kidding smile... "Hop on in." Rico Suave, I am most decidedly not. Hell, I'd give anything for Don Knotts' cool verbal dexterity. Figuring I'll pretty much have to bank on the cute, shy-nice-awkward-silly-slightly bigger guy factor.

But I do sense the first stones being laid in the foundation of a possible future social life. This tickles me to no end.


Blogger Scribe Called Steff said...

I think it'd be just fine to say you're digging the chat and would continuing it over a drink be an option sometime.

Sometimes simple is the way to go. Chicks know when you're contriving shit. Every now and then we justr wish a guy would say what he's got to say.

Pretty simple. :)

Cunting Linguist.

6:29 PM  
Blogger Scribe Called Steff said...

Geez, Andy, your blurb next to my TLD link is harsh, man. Thanks for the praise. You're a sweetie. :)

6:34 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Yeah, but I was told that coming out and just saying what I mean would be creepy, and I'd scare her away. All the girls I asked at work (independantly) told me nearly the same word-for-word line:

"Maybe we'll run into/see/bump into each other again."

I dunno, I can see it... it extends the message "I look forward to any future chance encounters", but also is a polite yet obvious euphemisim for "You're hot. I want to fuck you", thereby effectively putting the ball in her court.

9:30 PM  

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