Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Rainy Day Women # 12 and 35

The fat lip is healing up nicely, and isn't nearly as swollen today as yesterday. Now the biggest annoyance is the big hard scab that's driving me nuts.


One of the girls at work was waffling over what get for a tattoo she is planning across the inside arch of her foot. She asked for our ideas. I suggested 'ouch'. Brushing me off with a wry look, she said she wanted something personal, a quote that meant something to her. She was thinking maybe the Bob Dylan song title "Like a Rolling Stone". I said "Oh, I get it... because you gather no moss."

Oh, now stop groaning. That was funny. :-)

In all fairness, after two smart-ass stabs I got serious and suggested that if the tattoo is on her foot, and she wants a quote that relates to her desire to explore the world and not take root in any one place, why not use the J.R.R. Tolkien quote "Not all who wander are lost." She liked that.


We just got through some record rainfalls, as I'm sure a lot of you have. Hell, on the way to work this morning at a quarter till six, I hit this gigantic puddle on Market Street that caused the Mirthmobile to decelerate so fast my body lurched forward locking up the seat belt. Scared the bejesus out of me.

After working a 10 hour shift 6am to 4pm, I decided to head out with the camera and catch some of the flooding, ever the intrepid photojournalist. We have a creek that runs through our neighborhood, and this is from a side street that crosses over the creek. I'm guessing by the closure that earlier today it was completely under water:

There's two fields of differing elevations just outside of town that always seem to produce a nice little river flowing across Washington Rd.

And then there's this pleasant little stream and waterfall that is a popular spot among local photographers for outdoor portraiture. It babbles along before falling maybe six or so feet. With all the runoff, though, it became a wicked little bit of whitewater.

And today's fine art piece...

[drum roll, please]


Blogger LadyNineveh said...

yeah that storm was nasty..we had lightning hit the house...that woke me was fried tho. scared the little guy as well, his first real storm that he can remember

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow those pictures are awsome

4:46 PM  

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