Saturday, August 02, 2008

Market Day

This being probably the last Saturday I'll see off in a good long time, I decided to spend the day visiting Downtown Cleveland again, specifically to visit the West Side Market which I remember visiting with Dad back in the day, and which also is conveniently right across the street from one of the stations on the Red Line. Actually, it's in the heart of the first neighborhood I was looking at back in June. So late this morning I hopped on the train at the nearby Park & Ride...

That top cookie? Oh yeah, it was mine. :-) The Market was packed with tourists taking pictures, but one fishmonger told me very firmly to ask first, and to delete the photo. I apologized and deleted it on the spot, slinking away feeling about three inches tall.


Walking around outside the market, on a plaza across the street there was a little shindig going on with hippie-ish knick knack vendors. A band called the Sultans of Bing had set up and begun playing. Holy Hell did they kick ass! They were the perfect catchy jazzy funky rocking jam band, without any of that garage band-ish aftertaste. I'm going to have to catch more of their shows... they definitely made at least one new fan today.

Out of no where, three girls appeared doing this whimsical modern dancing that was so much fun and just a real treat to watch. I don't think they were with the band, because they disappeared as quickly as they arrived.

I admit it... I was crushing on them. How can you resist women who possess such plentiful amounts of creativity, originality, and humor, and who let it show without inhibition?

After they vanished and the Sultans wrapped up their first set, I bought their latest CD (to which I'm listening as I type this, and am happily chair dancing away), and hopped the Rapid into Tower City. I took the Lakefront train to where I visited and took pictures the last time, over by the William Mather and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, but it was just such a perfect day and I really wanted to see the lake again. I don't think the spectacle of Lake Erie will ever get old for me. At the station there, they had a wall of carved translucent glass blocks. I couldn't figure it out at first... it looked like weird shiny metal until I walked up and actually touched it, realizing then that it was backlit frosted glass.

I walked my ass off today, and fell into bed like a tree in the forest when I came home. (and yes, I did make a sound... snoring) I'd probably still be asleep if my brother hadn't called around 9:30 and woken me up.


Blogger said...

Hey, I was browsing through my flickr friends and found your blog. I'm pretty jealous of the city scene. I can't wait until I can experience something new and refreshing.


11:41 PM  

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