Sunday, December 07, 2008

Hi all!

Things are going ok. Been working with Bossman a lot. Not shooting a whole lot of photos, but rather have been mostly acting as his photo lab tech. Been hanging out a lot with Ruben (Zen Master, and all-around swell guy), and he's actually made a couple of introductions for me that may just bode well for the ol' career in the form of band and fashion/glamor model shoots. I'm excited about that.

A friend asked me to do her Christmas card photos, and these are what we produced:

Nice portfolio pieces, I think.


Since returning, I've been really making an effort to jump back into the band scene.


Ruben's "home base", so to speak, is the Waffle House. If he's not home, he's there with his requisite cup of coffee, and all his books and pens spread out on the table. Often I'll join him and we'll just be bored, hanging out and BSing with the employees. The other day my trigger finger was itchy, so I brought in the camera and was taking nondescript photos while wondering what I could do with them. I thought that while each individual photo may not amount to much, together as a montage maybe I could capture the feeling of a typical bored night out with friends, hanging out at the Awful Waffle.

Now, the arrangement wasn't completely arbitrary as I tried to make sure two similar photos weren't right next to each other, but otherwise it's pretty random. It was more of an internal exercise with myself because despite that, little patterns, recurring themes, and storyboard narratives started happening as my eyes moved from photo to photo, and I realized that was the whole I'd been searching for that was greater than the sum of its parts. Expect more of these.


Blogger said...

I love going to the awful waffle. There are only a couple of people that will go there though...and one is in South Carolina most the year. hah. I could eat chocolate chip waffles forever.

1:48 AM  

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