Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Fresh New Start



Well, you probably have noticed that "Treasures" had been hibernating for a while now. I'm sure most of you probably left this blog for dead. On that note, I'm sure most of you won't even read this. But no matter. This has been my chance to hit the proverbial "Reset Button", and return this blog to less of a vehicle for trying to impress my readers, and more to what it was originally intended: a diary. So this wasn't really a hibernation, now that I think about it. It has been a metamorphosis. A coccooning, if you will. True, I pretty much ignored this for FB, but it's because I still don't have an internet connection of my own, and do 99% of my facebooking from my cell phone. Well, as you can see from the previous post, I learned how to send my updates to both. So this blog will receive not only my quick and snarky 160-character-or-less cell phone updates, but also my longer (and longer-winded) essays. Yeah, I'll keep up with posting any photos I feel are pertinent too. :-)

See, my change of heart has come about from what those around me may consider a trivial matter, but to me is far more significant and deserving of my usual brand of over-dramatization:

Yesterday I saw a doctor for a checkup, my first since the Air Force back in the 90s, and this morning I took my first dose of Concerta, which is basically time-release Ritalin. My A.D.D. had reached intolerable levels, and I realized that while there is no indignity, especially in this economy, in making donuts for a living... (in fact I'm really proud of my work as any of my FB friends will attest) there is definite indignity in dreaming big but being too airheaded and not doing jack shit to move forward.

So, with the fog of A.D.D. already significantly lifted in a single day's dose (believe me, I've accomplished more in one day today that I have in the last month), and the entire community surrounding me, save for the Ex, never having known me back when I was on Ritalin, I am rebranding myself, and indeed renaming this blog. With the veil lifted from my brain, my brilliance will now flow freely and uninhibited, and I will grow exponentially from the scatterbrained space cadet that I previously was. I am Andy, version 2.0!

I don't need to search any longer for that rarest of treasures. I realize now that that was pretty much a rhetorical and vague ambiguity designed by my subconscious to not only provoke conclusions within you, but also keep me in a perpetual and quixotic state of despair. No more.

Well, the short and very much cliché answer is that I found that rarest of treasures in Dark Haired Girl. Of course it goes far more profound and very much deeper within my own self issues than just "I found a girl and she completes me". This isn't Jerry Maguire. My salvation has been her magic working so thoroughly and deeply into me, that seeds have awakened within my spirit that never before had Dark Haired Girl's special nourishment to begin to germinate and flourish.

In short, I have so fully integrated Dark Haired Girl into my own sense of identity that I cannot meet new people and talk about myself without invoking her in the first few getting-to-know-you moments.

Can you think of a better meaning for "that rarest of treasures"? I'd like to hear if you do.

School awakened my abilities. Dark Haired Girl awakened my spirit; now medicine has awakened my mind.

It's time to shine.


Blogger Dark Haired Girl said...

These are the nicest words anyone has ever written about me. I love you so much Drew! You are my world.

10:19 AM  
Blogger divacowgirl said...

I'm so proud of you :)

7:32 PM  
Blogger LadyNineveh said...

good for you drew!!

5:44 PM  

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