Friday, November 11, 2005

Greetings from my living room floor. Moved the desk over to mom's today. All my big stuff is moved now, except for the bed. That'll go next thursday, possibly wednesday.

Went to Avalanche last night for a very long past due alcohol-fest with Angela. Caro went along as well, and as I had hoped, she and Angela got along like peas and carrots. I think they were both so protective of me that in their minds they built up overly bad images of each other. Bumped into the Angela I met a couple of times prior (heretofore known as "Angie" to allay any confusion). I have a confession to make:

I kissed her. She's totally not my type, and this isn't going to go anywhere, but I was under a certain amount of influence, thus reducing my self-restraint, and we both were in desperate need of somebody to make contact with for the moment. At one point, she said she needed to go outside for some fresh air (as it was terribly smokey in there), and I followed her out to make sure she didn't stumble or fall and hurt herself. Well... we started kissing. It felt good. I mean, how long has it been for me? There was an emptiness to it, though. There was a need not being filled, and frankly, somebody else was on my mind. I dunno. I kinda regret it. Should I? I don't know. This is confusing.


Anyway, flash forward to tonight. I drop Caro off at Viv's, and on the way I comment how the late afternoon sun is casting a gorgeous golden light, and how with the high altitude clouds in the west, it will probably be a stunning sunset. So afterward, the sky is turning all sorts of colors, so I make a beeline to the Kettering Memorial (remember the photos I posted of it a couple'a months ago?), which is on a high point overlooking the Miami Valley to the south and west. A firey red sunset erupted, and just my luck, today at Target they had their Fuji 100 speed film on sale, so I was in fresh and plentiful supply. So I whip out the tripod and get some (hopefully) gorgeous shots. After I'm satisfied, I put the tripod away and sit and watch the sunset turn deeper and darker shades of blood red for about fifteen more minutes until it gets chilly and I start to shiver.

So I go to a the coffee shop at Books & Co. for a cuppa joe to warm up with and the latest Shutterbug issue.

So I finish the coffee and head over to Therapy Cafe to meet up with Viv and Caro and some of Viv's friends. A band starts to set up, and out of the corner of my eye they look familiar, so I assume they're the jazz band from the other time I was there... then I see a girl with very familiar pigtails. Holy shit, it's Danny Voris and Stephanie! I can't believe the coincidence, as the last time I saw them (at the Oktoberfest, remember?) I had no idea they'd be there, either. She came over and sat and talked with us before they started and during the songs she didn't sing on. A good time was had by all, but we left after the first set, despite everybody being bowled over by the band. I didn't get any pictures of the band, though. :-(

Incidentally, I have to brag a bit. Dayton Daily News puts out the Go! guide every friday which lists what's going on in dayton for the weekend. The Danny Voris Project got one helluva writeup in today's, and the writer said that Stephanie was the best female vocalist in Dayton.

Oh yeah, Andy is smitten. :-)


Blogger Grover said...

I start way too many sentences with "So I..."

11:45 PM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

About the kiss... we've all done stuff we regret, particularly after a few drinks and in the heat of the moment. I'm sure it was kinda nice, though.

5:36 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Oh, it was better than nice... it felt fucking awesome to make out with somebody and feel them needing it at a core level as much as I did. Angie is a sweet girl, and very pretty. There just wasn't that emotional oomph behind it. It was purely physical.

Long ago I had written about wondering if physical and emotional gratification had to come from the same source. I figured, as long as one has close personal friends, and also people to satisfy needs of the body, then why can't that lead to satisfaction? I think I'm slowly learning why...

8:12 AM  
Blogger Texas Gurl said...

I'm so confused as to who all these WOMEN are in your life! ;) Can you please make a 'cast' page? It would help your slower readers remember who is who.

Yeah, I'm SOOO jealous!

1:13 AM  
Blogger Grover said...

All these women... pffbt. :-) Ok, I'll work on a cast page, although it won't be very long.

"and frankly, somebody else was on my mind." Who do you think I was talking about here? ;-) You impress me so much it hurts. I'm jealous of all your friends like Haley who gets to live near and hang out with you.

7:00 PM  

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