Sunday, May 14, 2006

I give up. I said it before, but this timeI mean it. I give up. Tinight, I was at the B and was said hello to by a few girls i used to work with at HOnda. I had always had a crush on this one girl named JC, and I noticed that since I last saw her in '03, her ring finger had gone bare, much like my onw. Long story short, she and another girl that used to work there are still good friends (much like Angela and I), and toward the end of the night as the other girl and her boyfriend began to canoodle at the bar table, JC asked the boyfriend to dance. He said no. She asekd the girl to dance. She was too busy with teh boyfriend. She looked me square in the eye, and then turned around and went out to dance by herself.


So the other night I'm at L&V and Ruben puts on Zero 7's CD. I tell Ruben that I've always had this one particular fantasy: to dance with the right woman to Zero 7's "Somersault", the most romantic somg ever recorded. He thinks this is a good idea and then proceeds to start dancing with another person I'm crushing on to it. She has lent mer her camera phone. I take pictureso f them. Dancing to my song. Dammit. she emails me the picures that I took because she things I'm a good photographer, even with her camera phone. Them dancing to my song. I thank her for the photos. Here's one from inside leav and v that I took with ehr phone:

She said that I'll meet somebody when I stop looking, and I told ehr that I only stop thinking about it when I'm taking pictures, so she gave me her phone to take pictures with. Her and Ruben dancing to my song, and other bar still lives. God, you gotta love the drunk postings,


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