Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Can't sleep, zombies will eat me...

Ok, so the photography horror story is the post beyond this one. I was going to let it sit and gather comments, but it's 5-something AM, and I just woke up from a particularly bad dream where loved ones went missing and everybody I came in contact with turned ashen-skinned and started bleeding from the eyes. Naturally, they all tried to eat me. You know how those zombie types are. Can't leave well enough alone, can they? Sheesh.

Thinking of staying up to see if yesterday's clouds have cleared and maybe shoot some early morning sunlight stuff. It's just past six AM now, and I've a massive case of the booboojeebies. Pardon me while I ramble in stream of consciousness for a bit to take my mind off the Andy-iverous undead.

It should still be hot by now, but Fall has prematurely descended on Ohio. I went monday night into Stillwater on muggy rainy evening, and came out three hours later to a sharply cooler and although wet, much drier night air-wise. Yesterday I woke up to a gorgeous sparkling crystal clear morning with deep sapphire-blue skies that had me bunded up like a burrito in my comforter. Tonight I'm still shivering my butt off, but that's because I still have my window fan on. I think I'll set it to exhaust. Much better.

Of course, this pleases me to no end. I'm lovin the sneak preview of my favorite season, and in just one day of cool weather the trees have really faded to that pale green/yellow color, just ready to burst into fall color. I love those crisp cool days after the hot summer where I can have the screen doors open and enjoy hot coffee in my flannel PJ's. The forecast only goes up into the mid-70 by the end of the week.

Makes me want to go the Renaissance Festival down in Harveysburg. You just can't go when it's hot outside. It's a fall thing for me, especially with the farmers market on the way back that serves hot cider and has these gigantic pumpkins. It's the perfect suffix to a wonderful afternoon. This'll be the first year I go all by me onesy. Total autonomy to stay for six hours or leave after one. And to eat all the turkey legs and mini spinach quiches, and drink all the beer my little tummy desires. And to buy some peasant tunic and let my hair down and look like a dork in modern jeans and boots. And maybe to flirt a little bit. Dorks are in good company at the Ren Fest. I think I'll go with my October Stillwater paycheck. Unless it warms up, of course. And given the recent E-Coli scare, maybe I'll lay off the spinach quiches.

You know, I've been feeling lonely again. Not the desperate, woe is me, self-pitying kind like I use to feel. It's almost a kind of fondness, dismissed with a sigh and a smile. Does that make sense? I know too much to flip out over it this time around, and have actually been savouring this second chance to get being single right. But I've really begun to wonder if there is anybody out there aside from Dark Haired Girl who'll accept my flaws, distortions, and quirks in their entirety.

My violet-eyed albino girlfriend will. :-) She'll see them as bonuses and perks, not detriments, as will I see hers.

It's just before 7am, I've been typing away at this post while surfing other sites for about an hour. I'm just now barely beginning to make out the silhouettes of trees against a dark inky pre-dawn sky as I look out my window.

What is it about skylight, however one scant step above total nighttime blackness, that can chase one's inner ghosts away?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy I want to go with you! I need to see a psychic asap!

Call me ;)

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That photo is AWFUL! It looks like her eyes are bleeding!!!

8:20 AM  
Blogger Grover said...

Oh, Shutterbug, you're just jealous. ;-) But you are kind of right. Gotta love those Euro-weird cosmetics.

Wait a second... don't you be comparing my sci-fi girlfriend to nightmare inhabiting, man eating zombies! (but that was a good one, I'll give you that)

11:08 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Jesus, you're right. She does look just like my nighmare description. In my dream, though, they looked more like the victims in the movie "The Ring"

I need to think these things through before I hit the "publish" button. :-S

11:11 PM  

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