Thursday, October 19, 2006

Andy Van Gogh

At the end of the quarter in my "Today's Artistic Society" class, we're going to have to make acrylic paintings on an 11x14 canvas. Last quarter's class is hanging up in the gallery, and while some paintings are actually quite accomplished, others looked like the painter didn't know which end of the brush to sharpen to draw with.

I would be one of those people when our turn comes up to paint.

So in an effort to save dignity (and impress the ladies, you know me), I went out and bought a cheap set of brushes, little plastic pallette, and a tube of black acrylic paint. I want to get a feel for how the paint acts in different dilutions, and with different brushes. So I come home and experiment. Five different shaped brushes and at least fifty chicken scratches and doodles later (as well as attempts at calligraphy), and I have this mess of a test page that actually looks kinda cool as a whole:

So I made a painting. Yay me! And yes, the cat in the corner has a big ol' eyebrow. Hey, it's my painting. I'll put eyebrows on my cats if I darn well feel like it! :-)


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