Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tonight as I was doing my second job, I got to the westward-facing two-story-tall glass-fronted lobby, (oh, the hyphenation!) and my jaw hit the floor when I saw this absolutely apocalyptic sunset. Knowing how fleeting these things are, I dashed out of the lobby and through the office hallways to get to the janitor's closet where my car keys were. Then I ran through the machine shop (OSHA? What's OSHA?) to get to the side entrance where I parked, and had luckily thought to bring my camera. I actually de-saturated the color on a couple of these just to bring them down and make them believable:

And I had to sneak in a self portrait. I was the only soul around, and that light was just too gorgeous to waste. Yeah, the coif is finally getting pretty long again. (yaaay!) Last night I went over to Dark Haired Girl's, and she was playing with my hair and managed to put a couple of braids in it.


There's also a great post from earlier today below this one if you haven't already seen it.


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