Thursday, September 27, 2007

I almost forgot

... yesterday was this blog's third birthday.

Happy birthday 'Treasures'.

Definitely some crazy shit gone on and documented in these hallowed pages during that time...


I was thinking. I heard one of Duran Duran's "new" songs on the radio. You know, from their comeback in the 90's? I just realized that although I considered it their new music, the time elapsed between now and when they did that CD is the same amount of time passed between their initial fame in the 80's to when they had their comeback.

And then I thought of a girl I rode the bus with back in junior high, Allison Locker. I ran into her years later, and she looked so much older than the freshman girl I'd remembered. Seems like it wasn't that long ago, but I just realized that in thinking back to seeing her again, that was twelve years ago when I was a bagger at a grocery store here in town.

Lots of 40- and 50-somethings tell me that their 20's sucked, and that their 30's were the best years of their lives. I certainly hope so. My 20's keep blowing up in my face despite best efforts otherwise.


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