Wednesday, May 02, 2012

For those of you not familiar with Epic Meal Time, please spend a few moments reviewing at least several videos of absolute Qébequois culinary psychosis on their YouTube channel.

So given their need for income and hence merchandising, I noticed a recurring item in the videos to which I subscribe that does not appear in their online store.  It's the EMT whiskey drinking jar, one of which I simply MUST own.  I send them an email:

EpicMealTime whiskey jar...  Je l'ai besoin!  ¡Yo la necessito!  Where may one go about purchasing such an item?

(btw, I worked at a Tim Hortons in Ohio for two years, and I watch hockey.  I know what double-double means.   Does that qualify me as an honorary Canadian?)
 To which I received (quite promptly, I might add) the following reply:

Absolutely an honorary Canadian!!! The jars are not for sale at this time


 DUDE... I'm a bona-fide honorary CANADIAN!! This is EPIC WIN for Andy!


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