Saturday, August 27, 2005

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention...

... that thursday was my birthday. 27 years old. No big deal. Met up
with Viv for a lovely breakfast, then off to run errands. Gift to myself:
a nice pair of shoes from Target. Bye-bye combat boots for day-to-day
footwear. I'll keep them for more as a fashion accessory to the
Utilikilt. Kilts and tennis shoes look weird.

Anyway... off to walk around the Fairfield Mall, and wouldn't you know,
but as we were walking out of Hot Topic, I (as I usually do to everybody)
smiled politely at a strikingly attractive young lass walking by. She
smiled back. I look away, but after a few steps I look back at her, and
she's still smiling at me! (and it was one of those 1/4 sideways
one-eyebrow-raised looks, too!)

Good stuff. Anyway, picked up a few rolls of film from Wal-Mart (save me
the speech, their quality is top-notch and at least $3 cheaper than
anywhere else) and BK Photo. I'll post them later tonight.

Friday morning, I arrive at work where Marcella, my buddy (I call her
'chopstick' because she always has a stick holding her hair up), handed me
a pan of chocolate chip brownies she baked, and a can of coke. I gave her
a great big bear hug. You know, the kind that oscillates side-to-side
with an "er-er-er-er" sound. :-) I love giving hugs.

It was a pretty darned good birthday.


Blogger Orbling said...

Why didn't you mention that!!

Naughty boy.

Happy Birthday to you, belatedly though it is.


Glad you had a nice day with smiles galore.

8:08 PM  
Blogger Scribe Called Steff said...

Happy belated!

My birthday's at the end of next month. 32! Gasp.

But it's cool. I fucking love being in my 30s. You get a real sense of self when you reach 'em. By the time 3-0 rolls around, you're sort of getting to where you want to be.


The Cunting Linguist.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did someone say Mongolian Cow Sour Yogurt Super Girl Contest?
Who loves American Idol more than I do? The answer is: everyone. I mean, what kind of boring name is American Idol anyway? Is there some reason they couldn't have come up with a better name, like Mongolian Cow ...
I'm definitely going to bookmark you! I have a condo rental in cancun mexico site/blog. It pretty much covers condo rental in cancun mexico related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-) Tom

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JK throws down the gauntlet to Microsoft on OEM CDs
My Tablet PC Show co-host James Kendrick has posted a powerful open letter to Microsoft asking ... Recent Entries JK throws down the gauntlet to Microsoft on OEM CDs (8/27/2005) It's your weekly best of Weblogs, Inc.
Good stuff here. I will be back to read more.

If you have time visit my site ephedra for sale lots
of ephedra for sale related stuff.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Texas Gurl said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm soooo sorry we haven't got to talk recently!!! School and work and my silly animals are taking up my entire life or maybe they are my life. Anywho, I'm glad you had a good birthday and I hope to talk soon.

12:03 AM  
Blogger Grover said...

Orb - you know me... never one to toot my own horn. (Ok, so except for the photography. Tend to gloat about that, don't I?)

Steff - That's what I hear from everybody in their 30's or beyond... that the 30's are the best damned years of their lives. I only pray that I can achieve even half the sense of self that you have.

Texas - A little bit of me is dreading winter quarter, as it means work all day, school all night, and showering somewhere in between. I understand completely, and I won't give up on leaving voicemail after voicemail after voicemail after voicemail until I finally get through. :-)

Spammers - Word verification, bitches! HA!

11:00 PM  

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