Friday, October 27, 2006

This has been the week from hell. I mean, straight from the ninth circle, man. Chipotle's upped my hours, so I have three long days a week now, and I've been worrying about financial troubles, as well as getting all of my school work done. As a result, I've been having bouts of insomnia, where I lay down to sleep and my heart starts doing flipflops in my chest. This has kept me up at least two nights this week. I've taken that nervous energy to knock out writing assignments in the middle of the night, but then I'm a total wreck the next day from lack of sleep. Tuesday night they sent me home a half-hour early from work to get some sleep because Rose, one of my managers, said that I looked completely stoned.

Don't worry, today I felt a little weary, but made it through the day with enough energy and in good spirits.

In good news, I'm kicking ass in Photoshop 2 and English. We had our peer reviews today on the rough draft of our 2nd paper, and essay on remembering an event. I wrote about the sorority photo shoot, so I'll not re-post the story, as I posted my first paper. Suffice to say, as papers were passed around from student to student, it's frightening how many people in college have no idea how to differentiate between 'your' and 'you're', or what punctuation is.

Oh! I forgot to mention... got my first paycheck from the sports photography. It was an entire $30 (hey, lunch and a tank of gas. no complaints from me), but the customer was super happy with the quality of my photos, and said he'd tell the other team parents to check my stuff out.


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