Saturday, December 23, 2006

Well... the quarter ended wednesday night, and also my career there at OIP&T. For now, anyway. Hopefully they'll get my tax/FAFSA info straightened out during winter quarter so I can come back for spring. I'd be lying if I said the prospect of a break wasn't appealing, but the heartbreak of not being able to go back after the new year overshadows it. Kaplan Corp. can kiss my pastey white ass.

After saying my goodbyes and see-ya-laters, I left a note on Shaggy's windshield with my email address. I get an email from him the next day with the subject line "haha, you cute bastard..." The entire quarter has been jokes like that between us, but I'd swear the boy has certain tendancies screaming to be let out.


Went skating tonight to keep the muscles excercised for the drop-in hockey sunday morning. After the first hour they zamboni the ice, after which it's super-slick until it gets all choppy again, which doesn't take long, especially given the huge crowd there tonight.

Unfortunately, about five minutes after they let people on the ice again, some poor girl took a spill. I didn't see it happen, only her laying there motionless. Then the skate guards surrounded her. After I took a few passes around the rink, she looked like she was talking. They got her on her feet, but it looked like she passed out again, so they covered her with a blanket. They called to clear the ice immediately, so out of respect I just put my boots on and left. By the time I did, the ambulance was there and the EMTs had a gurney on the ice. I'm sure they would've had her off the ice in time for skating to resume until 10, but I felt so bad for the poor girl that I just wasn't in the mood to skate any more.

My guess is that she fell backward and clunked her head but good. It's a worst-case nightmare, and amazingly (and very fortunately) tonight is the first time I've seen anything like that happen, and I've been skating there since I was a kid. One time when I was real little, I was goofing off when my mom had me take skating lessons, and I fell forward and face-first onto the ice. Bloodied my nose, and I remember clearly how it hurt like a bitch (oh, I was wailing, it hurt so bad), but no breakage or tooth loss. This is the only other serious incident I've seen since then.

The ice can be dangerous if you're not careful. People fall all night long every night I'm there, and most laugh and get back up. Every now and again, though, somebody falls just right, and it's the absolute worst feeling in the world to witness it.


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