Thursday, January 25, 2007

2007 Is Turning Out to be My Year

Friday afternoon I get a message on the machine from my Commercial 1 class instructor reminding me that the quarter started, and that we had class that afternoon at 1.


So I call the business office at school, and they tell me that I'm on the schedule for this quarter, and they'll call back when they figure out exactly what's going on. Naturally, the phone rings off the hook all day afterward, so I don't hear from them. This is what we call foreshadowing...

Saturday morning Lee picks me up to shoot a rodeo. He'd been toying with the idea of offering video services, as customers keep asking him. So we stop at the greatest camera store in the miami valley (who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent), and buy a Canon GL-2 professional camcorder. Used, it was still $1600. It's an adorable little unit that you wouldn't expect to pack such a punch. It's about the size of camcorders in the 90's. (now that today's are the size of a softball) I spend the day at the rodeo filming events, and when he dropped me off at the end of the day, he came in to see how the footage looked.

My mom used to work for Warner Cable selling and writing local commercials. She knows video production. We looked at the footage, and you couldn't ask for better image quality. Crystal clear. Mom, Lee, and Chuck all raved about the quality of the shooting. Of course. I did it. :-P But final goal achieved: bossman is happy.

Ego much? I haven't even started...

So I take my bad videographer self and spend sunday night in Cincy helping my sister pick up and assemble a futon from a friend who's moving (to Dayton, no less. now there's a step backward). God, you should've seen her friend's apartment... straight from the 30's with wood door frames, steam heat, wood floors that came together in a herringbone pattern in the corners, and glass doorknobs.

At my sister's, I reassemble the futon frame over many beers and pizza, and we spend the night goofing off listening to all sorts of music. She works at a little record store, and she's always been little Miss Indie Music. I show her my DeviantART page. A fun time was had by all.

On the way back from Cincinnati, I stop at OIP to talk to the business gurus. Sho' nuff, they say it looks like there aren't any problems, that it looks like my Universal loan kicked in, and that I have class at 5 that night. I run to the bookstore (out of pure glee, it's about 30 feet from the desk) and discover that I have $450 credit on my card.

I spend the rest of the day with my feet not even touching the ground. I am a student again! Now there isn't any way to mention this next part without sounding like I'm flat-out bragging, so I'm not going to hide it. I'm boasting.

I run to my go-to guy's office where he's chatting with another instructor and tell him the good news. I tell him about my portrait project on my deviantart page, and he pulls it up. Later that day after I've come back to go to class, the other instructor who was in there pulls me aside in a hall and basically tells me that he took a good look at my portraits, and that he was really impressed. He said that the lighting was perfect, and the subjects were powerful and intriguing. I think I must've blushed about ten shades.

But that's not all. My dear two or three readers, this very blog you're reading has inspired another instructor's class project. Camera Skills is the first class you take. You know "This is a lens. This is a shutter button. This is how you turn the damned thing on." Photography 101. Ran into my Camera Skills instructor, and he said he'd been showing off this blog to his class. Ok, so I clam up a little, but then it's my fault for putting it in my student website forum profile.

Anyway, he says they don't dwell on the text or anything, he just shows off how much extracurricular shooting I do. He now requires his students to start a blog and post at least two non-project related photos a week, and write about them.

This blog has inspired curriculum at school. So, yeah, I'm ego tripping a little at the moment. I'm going to have to go trip and fall down in front of people or some other Bridget Jones moment to bring me back down. :-P


And here's some of the other, more flattering photos I took friday night in the basement at L&V:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

andy..i am sooo proud of you!! i am not surprised your feet havent touched the ground and i have to say out of the 3 pics..i like the last one the best. something about his eyes and smile makes me smile as well (tho the other 2 are very good as well ) :)

12:06 PM  
Blogger Nan said...

Way to go Andy Pants!!!!!!

4:48 PM  

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