Tuesday, January 02, 2007

We'll tak a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

Hi guys! I trust you all had a happy (and safe [enough]) new year. Sunday morning I awoke to a damp rainy day that had my back aching like crazy. At hockey, I lasted only a half hour before my back tensed up beyond skating. Hobbled back to the locker room using my stick as a cane. It's still sore tonight after all day yesterday and today, but it's feeling better as the air is drying up and barometric pressure is returning to normal. Here's to hoping the weather clears up and my arthritic spell subsides by next weekend.

Spent new year's eve working Troy's First Night Out celebration by taking event photos and family & couples portraits. Brought the computer and printer, and sold 4x6's for $5 a print. Made $95! Hell yeah! At one point I got bored and took a picture of myself.

Hi, I'm a dork.

A very pretty (dare I say 'hot'?) young lass asked me for my email address. She came in with a friend to have their portrait taken and purchased two prints. We chatted a bit about music and other smalltalk, and I showed her my mp3 collection while the printer did its thing. About a half hour later, she came back in and asked if I had a myspace page or anything so she could get the names of some of the bands we talked about. I instantly went into nervous blather mode but managed to give her my email address without fainting of flattery.

Now, don't get your hopes up just yet. She looked to be all of about 17 years old, but I'm hoping to death that she's one of those really young-looking 22 year old types.


Anyway.... after that, Lee and I headed over to where the strawberry was to drop at midnight (Troy is, after all, the strawberry city). Took many pictures of the band that was playing, wide-angle shots of the crowd from the stage, and our fearless leader, the mayor, giving a speech. Last time they dropped the strawberry, they actually dropped it. Literally. It fell straight down and broke. I'd've paid money to see that. :-) But this year, they (wisely) raised the strawberry UP to the 2007 sign.

At midnight, people flooded the bubble wrap dance floor (uber-fun) and sang the traditional auld lang syne. Also, traditionally, people all around me started smooching. Popped off a great shot of this cute couple:


If you look closely, you can see how their heads, his collar, and her hair and hand create a valentine shape. Feeling a little left out photographically as the crowd dispersed, I took this dashing self portrait:

Dude in the background finds my self portrait amusing.


Had lunch with Angela today. Now, I asked her if I could mention this under the guise of her dreaming this and telling me about it, but no, she wanted the truth. So here it is...

She ate a magic mushroom before picking me up to go split a pizza. Happily munching away, we were talking about each others' romantic hardships. She then proceeded to hallucinate that I had a very happy and positive aura, and a guardian angel watching over me, with falling stars sparkling between. I found her vision to be very warm and touching, and a poetic mental image. All in all, I have been rather lucky in things, staying mostly out of harm's way. Who's to say she's wrong?

Either way, guardian angel or no, I still took her keys and drove us back.


And now for the obligatory chat about resolutions. I keep my resolutions, and it started two years ago with the resoluion simply "...to begin, and leave it at that." Last year, my successfully kept resolution was simply "to continue."

For 2007, what would make a solid resolution that is ultimately attainable, yet deep and far reaching enough to demand a year-long effort in achieving? I have two:

1) To actually use my view camera. How many times have you tirelessly lusted after something, and then when you finally get it, use it once (if at all) and then just let it collect dust? Me: guilty. But not this time. That 4x5 is going to get used as much as I can afford for portraits of friends and family, as well as nature photos through all the seasons. It will not become a museum piece.

2) Disheartened but emboldened in my resolve by the sight of so many people kissing around me at midnight, I WILL kiss a girl at midnight next year. I've got 364 days now to find a victim... I mean, candidate. Yeah... that's what I meant. :-)

You know you want me.


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