Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The only constant is change....

Hi all. Greetings from my old bedroom. Yeah, the living together thing didn't work out for Dark Haired Girl. No, we're not breaking up. Don't worry. It's just that things got too routine and cramped for her comfort level. Mine too, for that matter. I'm just really really good at pretending something isn't bothering me. It's that fierce independence of hers... she just needs her space. Truth told, things had cooled off considerably between us, and I'm hoping this will bring back a bit of the fire in me that existed previously when I lived here at Mom's.

And I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy being back in my own little private corner of the world today, eating carrots and dancing naked to offbeat music.



Did a portrait session with a good friend, Heather, on friday. While editing her photos in photoshop, I had a EUREKA! moment and created a new effect. Selective blurring and lighting. Deals with layer masks and radial gradients... if you're curious ask me and I'll describe in more detail. Anyway, here's a few of my favorites from the day. I think these represent the next level in my photography:

Her only complaint... she didn't like the blurring on her chest in the last photo. I agree, and I replied in an email to her that with that new selective blurring technique I'm like a kid with a cool new coat, using it all the time even when it's not really necessary. But I think it works in spades on the others. Whatcha think?


Blogger LadyNineveh said...

i love the 3rd one down, with the earthy kinda tones....looks great!!

9:36 AM  
Blogger Grover said...

Thanks! Yeah, it's my favorite as well as the previous one against the same wall. Her favorite is the last one.

9:37 PM  

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