Saturday, February 10, 2007

In Commercial 1, the lastest project was shooting white objects on a white background, and vice-versa with black. Well, when you're working with a 4x5 camera with film, you use polaroids to check lighting, composition, and exposure. Unfortunately, polaroids are FUCKING EXPENSIVE. So instead of burning through $30 worth to determine the final shot, I instead had the bright idea to use my Nikon D70s digital to evalutate lighting.

This was my first shot. While the final shot on film is totally different, I thought this one looked über-cool. For the final shot, I used two flashes at opposing angles and a smooth piece of white paper to create an evenly white background.

I was aiming for a Rene Magritte-esque surrealistic floating egg image. I shot straight down on the eggs which were taped (with hockey tape) onto a piece of plate glass elevated about two feet off the floor. I lit the eggs with a barn-doored flash head and a diffusion panel. For the background, I aimed a spot-gridded head onto a piece of white paper on the floor, hence the crinkles. But I like the texture.

The warm color is as-shot. The only photoshopping I did to this was to clone stamp out dust spots from my sensor and lens.


Barack Obama is going to run for president. In my fantasty future, I'd love nothing more than to see him elected, thus beginning the process of healing the hideous abscesses that the virulent Republican fucking party and the Bush administration have caused to rot throughout the tissue of our great nation.

...but come on. Let's be realistic. Face it, this is the America, where 50 short years ago black activists were assassinated and school integration was physically blocked. The hillbilly redneck majority will never elect a "goddamned nigger", and that makes me want to vomit.

Maybe it's just the micro culture I live in (the perpetually ass-backward midwest Ohio), but we're too immature and childish a society to elect President anybody other than old crusty white men with an Anglo-sounding names.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something you're not thinking about, and one of the best reasons for Obama to run, is the simple fact that the vast majority of those who actually vote are old, white, crusty, male, etc. Having someone black even running is going to draw more of the young and minority crowds into interest and get them voting. Even having scary Hilary running is going to draw more women in and thats what we need. We need more minority, young, and female voters actually getting off their asses and voting if we are ever going to progress outside of the staunchly conservative, uber christian, white bread america, stereotyped hick, that keeps ending up in the white house. This is going to shape up to be a hell of an election after 8 years of Dubya and so many diverse candidates coming up into the running. Very interesting indeed.

10:04 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

I knew I could trust you to actually think through my opinionated ranting. Yes, you're absolutely right. :-)

1:25 AM  

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