Friday, May 18, 2007

If "Bald is Beautiful", then gray is gorgeous...

Dark Haired Girl is on her way home from Pittsburgh as we speak. I figure she's somewhere just east of Columbus, based on what time it is now and when she called a few hours ago to give me her ETA. I really miss her. I'm going to pick her up because her office took a rental car, and I can't wait. :-D

The ladies at work (I'm the only guy who works in the store area on first shift) have been giving me a hard time and really busting my chops today, but I like it. It's like when your house would get toilet papered as a teen... it meant you'd been accepted. It's all good-natured ribbing. They all think I'm a little on the strange side (in this midwest Ohio world of manly Marlboro men), but they've finally figured out I'm not weird. Just a little out in left field.


Has anybody seen the Just For Men commercials where their message is to the tune of: "Stop hiding behind your gray hair, cover it up with our product and let your true self shine."? Is that not the most brilliant mind-fuck twist of logic? I have to applaud them, that has to be pulling in craploads of profit. That, and then there's the one where they take two former pro athletes, do them up as sports announcers, and have them announce play by play the red-dressed milf "Ms. Hottie's" rejection of "Mr. Gray Beard."

... that is, until he colors his beard and then she jumps in his arms, to which the announcers cheer "Home run!!" Just cartoon-y enough that they can say "C'mon, we were just spoofing", but clear enough in intent to slip in some overt name-calling and beat mens' insecurities to a pulp with a ball peen hammer.

Frankly, I look forward to the day I go gray. I've already got one mutant gray eyebrow hair that's twice as long and thick as the others. I enjoy my coif as it is, but it won't last forever, and there's something distinctly ganster about a guy with gray temples. Very Paulie Walnuts from 'The Sopranos'.

You don't mess with a guy with gray temples. Just For Men? Fugeddaboudit!


Blogger Grover said...

Of course, I actually know a guy with gray temples, and he's about as threatening as a kitten.

5:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, we all don't gray as cool as Paulie... some of us just go gray all over, or stripes... so I wish you luck... and Paulie wings.

9:18 PM  

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