Saturday, July 19, 2008

My phone at home still has yet to be connected. This is pissing me off. Until then, I can only get on at the library, and usage is restricted to 30 minutes. I can't get on AT&T's online order status tool because it returns an error message every time I enter my new number. I sure as hell can't call them. grrrr......

Negativity aside, things are going well. I'm doing great at the new job. Still in training, but they really liked the test session I shot using one of our high school summer job employees as a model. Need to get a few more shoots under my belt before they trust me to do a "live" session.

I'm eating a relatively balanced diet, not just canned vienna sausages and frozen pizza. Lots of mixed veggies and rice, and what proteins I can scrounge up at Save-A-Lot. That was the first question Mom asked when I called her the other day.

Aside from that, I don't really have any fun money, just necessities. I'd be going absolutely bonkers if I didn't tap into it every now and again to rent a DVD or get some beer from time to time, but no big nights out just yet. I now have less than $100 to last me till my first paycheck two weeks from now. I'd have more, but Dark Haired Girl and I swapped cars, and she's still in the Mirthmobile. I totally forgot about insurance, and need to use nearly the last of my money to keep it up. I couldn't bear the thought of her and her girls in an uninsured vehicle.

Socially, I had just begun to get to know the people at the studio I was training at, but now have to go and continue my training at my regular studio, so now I have an entire brand new set of people to figure out. It'll be a good long time before I find another Ruben. I keep telling myself that solitude is freedom, and honestly 95% of the time it feels almost euphoric. It's just that other 5% of the time that I get attacks of the lonelies. Nothing desperate or big or dramatic. Just wistful.

In the mean time, I'm going to find some DVDs here at the library, hang out at the apartment today and tomorrow, and maybe try my hand at reading one of those "book" things. No exploring for Andy. Gas prices, you know?


Blogger hexy chick said...

$100 is very easy to live off of for 2 weeks. I do it all the time. I need to teach you some budget gourmet recipes and techniques to give you hearty meals that last many days and nights and stretch the dollar.

3:09 PM  

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