Friday, January 14, 2005

A book for any day of the week

I just finished tusedays with Morrie yesterday. I'd like to jump on the bandwagon, proclaiming that my perspective on life is forever altered, but I find that kind of emphasis dies even a month later. Sure, I feel that rush, that natural high of enlightenment, but it's the same epiphany I felt after reading The Celestine Prophecy and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. That sense of being awe-struck quickly fades.

SO... I'm not going to start raving about this book to everybody I cross paths with. I'm not going to call it the new Bible. I'm not going to insist you go out and read this book, and I'm not going to claim that I'm a bright shiney new person because of it.

I will say, however that I'm a little bit more at peace with myself. The world around me seems a little bit clearer. I feel a little bit of a better person for having read it. I think this is how Morrie would want it.


Blogger c said...

HOLY CRAP! Boy o boy, how many times have I felt that. I read something, or write something, and I am feeling inspired, ready to wrap my hands around the veils that cover the mysteries of life, unvieling the secrets to happiness, healthiness, losing weight, and a good love life - but then soemthing good comes on TV, or I have homework, and just as soon as I hit that existential ceiling, my sweaty palms loose a grip on the esoteric, and I become intimatly aquainted with the jagged concrete, which is at best WacArnold's.

Good stuff.


12:58 AM  
Blogger Grover said...

Glad I'm not alone on this one.
(and what on earth is 'WacArnolds'?)

8:30 AM  
Blogger c said...

WacArnolds is from the Chappelle show, its a fictional McDonalds and, for me at least, it has come to mean "wack" or otherwise not a good thing.

It's my attempt at originality, even tho its just co-opted from a show that is way too over quoted in the first place.

so there's that.

9:03 PM  
Blogger Grover said...

Dude, now I think I remember the WacArnolds bit now. Isn't that the one where the girl says to him "Eww, nigga, you smell like french fries!"? Dave Chappelle cracks me up.

8:40 AM  

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