Thursday, May 25, 2006

I've had a very weird day today. I've spent all damned day in what is possibly the best mood I've been in for months. Not sure what sparked it. I spent all morning and afternoon organizing, actually washing the monstrous pile of dirty laundry I have, and changing the sheets. I made my bed, man. That's unheard of. When I get in that whole Eeyore "Why bother?" mentality, I tend to let the condition of my living space deteriorate, but today I was actually glowing with self love and esteem, and the cleaning up of my things was a clear gesture of that.

Something's changing. I'm not saying I'm picking up out of the funk I've been in. I hope I am, but I'm not counting on it. Any second now, I'm going to plunge right back down, but for the moment, this is better than any pot I've ever smoked.

Something's coming, though what it is I can't really put my finger on, but I think I tuned into it today, drifting about my house on a cloud of enlightenment. The scent of change is on the wind, and it whispers to me through the leaves... I feel loved. I feel in love. I feel hope. Hope for what, I'm not sure, but there's this overwhelming sense of optimism. I'm bursting with positive emotional energy. If the lights suddenly went out, I'd be casting a pale halo glow. I spent all day looking forward to work, and when I got there, I didn't look at the clock once. I was just so damned happy to be there.

Some as-of-yet unseen big thing is going to happen. Shortly. I can taste it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, send me an e-mail. Sounds like you are doing better. I just tried to call you again, mom still needs the litter box...LOL :)

10:43 AM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

Don't you love the euphoria when things are looking positive? Cherish it!

10:51 AM  

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