Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ok, a preface to this post: Last spring I signed up with Adult Friend Finder for a month or two. I get a local reply from a woman who states that we know each other, but she was to shy to reveal her identity. Through much prodding, she revealed to me that she was an employee where I used to take all my film to be processed. Frequently we would get to talking about photography. I haven't talked to her since early this year, since I develop my own black and white film now, and all my color stuff is digital.

So this morning I am surprised discover an email in my inbox from her. Turns out she's been reading the blog all this time. Anyway, she gave me a host of compliments, and words of support on the break up, stating that she had one as well at just about the same time. So I asked her if she wanted to go out shooting some time. I know what you all are thinking, and the answer is I don't know if I'm ready to start dating again. But I could really use an artistic friend and ally right now. :-)


So for our last lab in Advanced Camera, we used the 4x5 view cameras with digital backs to shoot to an advertisement layout, much like pro commercial photographers do. We were given an 8x10 template with white text at the top and black at the bottom. We were to take a photo that included a product of our choice, but a background that was dark at the top and light at the bottom. So I decide to grab two bottles of pepper marinade that I bought in New Orleans back in '03 for Mom and Chuck. Here's what I ended up with. Of course, it was only after I got home from class that night that I realized I should've shot a block of cheese. You know, as in "the cheese stands alone"...?

Whatever. Never mind. I thought it was funny. :-)


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