Monday, March 26, 2007

Hobbit Feet, Spring, and my Star-Cross'd Heart

Hi all.

No, I should end that with an exclamation point: Hi all!

Better. :-) Anyhoo, finals are underway, and I had my Commercial 1 final friday afternoon. We had to shoot three separate shots, all within an imaginary budget of $200 where hourly rate, film sheets, and Polaroids cost money. With a mandatory profit, coming in under budget gives you extra credit, whereas going over budget takes points away. I not only shot all three scenes in two hours, but actually flubbed the first one and after shooting the other two reset the first and shot it again. The extra sheets of film and Polaroid cost me, but the $30 per hour rate brings me in under budget. I rock.

Spring has finally (actually, prematurely) arrived here in Ohio. Aside from the freezing fog late this season, this winter just. plain. sucked. Of course, the actual calendar beginning of Spring has come and gone, but you know how the seasons tend to overlap. We've been having well above-average temperatures here, and I took the opportunity to snap a few photos:

I really like the barefoot one, better than anything I've taken in a long while. I have hobbit feet. It's the perfect snapshot, so whimsical and carefree, almost narrative. It conjures up all sorts of stories and images.


Volunteered to take photos for a Cub Scout food drive two weekends ago. Dropped off the photo CD to the food pantry, and the lady who runs it kept saying that she'd compensate my time. I insisted otherwise on the grounds that she didn't ask me, I came to her and asked if I could help. That, and even though I'm not church-going by any stretch of the imagination, it feels wrong to take money from a church run pantry, especially when I wasn't hired. She gave me a big one armed hug and said "Here, then I'll just love on you a little."

I'm so charming it's sickening. :-P

Come to find out, she wanted the photos not just for posterity, but because the newspaper is going to run an article on the event. Dudes! My photos are going to be in the paper. This rocks triumphantly.


But the real reason I need to talk to you: Dark Haired Girl. Her friend (and one who originally stopped me as I was leaving that fateful night), Blonde Haired Girl, is getting on us about officially dating. Her daughters are beginning to question her too. I'm starting to feel a little pressure from people.

Remember Eagles Girl? I hung out with her this weekend, and, well... things happened. Very good things. I even told Dark Haired Girl out of respect (not guilt or apology) and she was completely fine with it. And she was on a date last weekend, and that didn't bother me one little bit. I was actually happy for her.

I have to admit that this was an, *ahem* busy weekend for me, and that quite bluntly, the following night I had what was possibly the most brain-melting sex with Dark Haired Girl that I think I've ever had with her. I can still feel it in my knees. We're so sexually compatible ... we move in harmony like Beethoven's 9th symphony.

In a nutshell... I'm completely confused. There's additional dimensions to my sordid dilemma, but it's bedtime for Bonzo, and I need to hit the hay. We'll save the rest for a later conversation. Thanks for listening.

*** Continuation the next day ***

Sorry... I was nodding off in my chair writing that last night. But I don't even know exactly what I'm trying to say. She and I have talked about our relationship at great length, and we're comfortable where we are despite outside pressures to make a more conventional and easily digested relationship out of it.

I guess my main concern is hurting those around Dark Haired Girl. I really don't want her girls or Blond Haired Girl to start thinking negatively of me, that I'm in any way trying to use Dark Haired Girl.

I dunno. What do you guys think?


Blogger Nan said...

Hobbit Feet, that's exactly what I wa thinking. You're so funny.
Now on to other stuff. I don't think you will hurt anyone especially if Dark Haired Girl is seeing other people as well. The only ones you both should be concerned about is her children. She needs to talk to them and let them know the situation without divulging anything too personal. We don't want them traumatized after all. lol.
I say have fun Andy!

4:05 PM  
Blogger Dark Haired Girl said...

Dark Haired Girl here...well a piece anyhoo left out was when blonde haired girl was quizing him..I interupted and answered all questions for which he replied I am only a foot behind you...I interupted and answered the questions for anyhoo because it was inappropriate for blonde haired girl to ask any questions..and just because she was telling us she has committed to dating someone she has only known a week!!!! does not give her the right to intergetate 2 people who have found wonderful compainionship with one another. I have talked to the kids. My kids are vey used to me not having a I do not take on girlfriend status lightly. So in their entire lives only (14 and 9) only 3 men have ever attained boyfriend status. They ask because they any child know someone they loved is loved by another, when they are old enough to understand love..they will definatley understand..and definately NOT be tramatised but more cautious of give the key's to their own hearts away too easily. If other people interupt one of the only things that keeps me sane, alive, and dealing with a disabled 9 year old and 25,000 in medical bills then they can all go an fuck themselves. Nothing and no one should get in the way of simple and honest friendship that brings only happiness and never a bit of drama. There is no room for guilt making or interregation in a relationship like the one anyhoo and I have developed very cautiously over a very long time.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Grover said...

Very well put. Are you nicknaming me "Anyhoo"? That's adorable!

10:12 AM  

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