Sunday, March 11, 2007

I'm drinking beer and watching Jackass (my new-found guilty pleasure) on MTV. So I decided to have a few cheap beers to put on a notable buzz and then grab a pen and scrap paper to take note(s)of my thoughts:

1. I was baited-and-switched into watching MTV's "Scarred" when the TV guide said that Jackass would be airing. That Jacobi host, without any prior context, comes across as a total poser.

2. I miss going to the laundromat. I don't miss having to feed five gadzillion quarters per weekend to those infernal machines, but I miss the ambiance. The human interest soap opera. Call me a drama queen... or else a documentary photographer. Synonymous terms, I've come to learn in my embryonic career as such.

3. MTV is, at least in their night programming, aimed not so much at the teen crowd as it is people my own age in their late 20's, who are trying to relive the halcyon days of their fast fading youth. I am no exception.

4. That pink-haired cartoon chick is hot. Their insurance is still ridiculously expensive, though, last time I checked.

5. John Heder in sequins, makeup, figure skates, and long hair makes kind of a cute girl.


On a more serious (but no less influenced) note, I made up my project today where I was partnered with a classmate (and righteous cutie) to shoot to a prescripted advertising layout. I, of course, give her, and only take for myself, 50% credit for this. One half. Fifty-Fifty:

I'm so proud of this one I could burst. I can't stop looking at it.


Attacked the dark room today and turned out some serious develop-stop-fix ass kickery, especially an 8x10 of Dark Haired Girl that I took last (friday) night of her in that perfect lateral light of sunset. As was most of my photos of other people. So for legal propriety's sake, you can't see them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

MTV saddens me for the same reasons it probably saddens most. I got stuck on that Scarred show one night a week back. It disturbed me. Not pre-bed viewing. I didn't want to see a man's arm bend like a staircase. I think I'll stick with my XFiles repeats at 2am.

And I agree with the Laundromat. I had never been to one until a few years ago when our machine broke. I loved being there. All authors, film makers, and musicians should spend some time in one. If I need some character traits, perfect location to steal from.

Nice layout. There really is no use crying over spilled Merlot...unless you are a wino and that Merlot was your last glass of the night. In that case, cry hard.

5:41 PM  

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